
[2022 T-ASE] DSQNet: A Deformable Model-Based Supervised Learning Algorithm for Grasping Unknown Occluded Objects

Primary LanguagePython

Deformable Superquadric Network (DSQNet)

The official repository for <DSQNet: A Deformable Model-Based Supervised Learning Algorithm for Grasping Unknown Occluded Objects> (Seungyeon Kim*, Taegyun Ahn*, Yonghyeon Lee, Jihwan Kim, Michael Yu Wang, and Frank C. Park, T-ASE 2022).

* The two lead co-authors contributed equally.

The paper proposes a recognition-based grasping method that merges a richer set of shape primitives, the deformable superquadrics, with a deep learning network, DSQNet, that is trained to identify complete object shapes from partial point cloud data.


pipeline Figure 1: Pipeline for proposed recognition-based grasping algorithm: (i) a trained segmentation network is used to segment a partially observed point cloud into a set of simpler point clouds; (ii) The trained DSQNet converts each point cloud into a deformable superquadric primitive, with its collective union representing the full object shape; (iii) grasp poses are generated in a gripper-dependent manner from the recognized full shapes.



The project codes are tested in the following environment.

  • python 3.8.13
  • pytorch 1.12.0
  • tensorboard 2.9.1
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • Open3D


Datasets should be stored in datasets/ directory. Datasets can be downloaded through the Google drive link. After set up, the datasets/ directory should be as follows.

├── primitive_dataset
│   ├── box
│   ├── ... (4 more folders)
│   ├── truncated_torus
│   ├── train_datalist.csv
│   ├── validation_datalist.csv
│   └── test_datalist.csv
├── object_dataset
│   ├── bottle_cone
│   ├── ... (10 more folders)
│   ├── truncated_torus
│   ├── train_datalist.csv
│   ├── validation_datalist.csv
│   └── test_datalist.csv
└── evaluation_dataset
    ├── bottle_cone
    ├── ... (10 more folders)
    └── truncated_torus

  • (Optional) If you want to generate your own custom dataset, run the following script:
python data_generation.py --config {X} --name {Y}
  • X is either primitive or object.
  • Y is a folder name of your own dataset.

Tips for playing with code: You can create various objects by editing the json file in the folder object_params. You can also adjust the parameters of the dataset such as the number of the points of partially observed point cloud in the code data_generation.py. Warning: The data generation does not work in server (i.e., without a connected display). If you want generate a dataset in server, try Open3D headless rendering.

Pretrained model

Pre-trained models should be stored in pretrained/. The pre-trained models are provided through the Google drive link. After set up, the pretrained/ directory should be follows.

├── segnet_config
│   └── example
│       ├── segnet_config.yml
│       └── model_best.pkl
├── sqnet_config
│   └── example
│       ├── sqnet_config.yml
│       └── model_best.pkl
└── dsqnet_config
    └── example
        ├── dsqnet_config.yml
        └── model_best.pkl



The training script is train.py.

  • --config specifies a path to a configuration yml file.
  • --logdir specifies a directory where the results will be saved.
  • --run specifies a name for an experiment.
  • --device specifies an GPU number to use.

Training DSQNet (or SQNet) and segmentation network:

python train.py --config configs/{X}_config.yml
  • X is either sqnet, dsqnet or segnet.
  • If you want to see the results of the intermediate training process in tensorboard, run this code:
    tensorboard --logdir train_results/{X}_config --host {ip address}
    , where --logdir specifies the directory where the results is saved, and the code is an example with the default setting.


The evaluation script is evaluation.py.

  • --object specifies an object class to evaluate in object dataset.
  • --index specifies an object index in 10 different objects with different shape parameters.
  • --run specifies a name for an experiment.
  • --device specifies an GPU number to use.
  • --iou specifies an boolean action for whether to measure volumetric IoU or not (default: false).

Example evaluation code execution:

python evaluation.py --object {X} --index {Y}
  • X is either box, cylinder, cone, ellipsoid, truncated_cone, truncated_torus, hammer_cylinder, screw_driver, padlock, cup_with_lid, dumbbell, or bottle_cone.
  • Y is an integer between 0 and 9.
  • If you want to see the results, run this code:
    tensorboard --logdir evaluation_results/tensorboard --host {ip address}

Warning: The option --iou also does not work in server. If you want to measure IoU in server, try Open3D headless rendering.

Grasp Pose Generation

The grasp pose generation script is grasp_pose_generation.py.

  • --object specifies an object class to evaluate in object dataset.
  • --index specifies an object index in 10 different objects with different shape parameters.
  • --device specifies an GPU number to use.

Example grasp pose generation code execution:

python grasp_pose_generation.py --object {X} --index {Y}
  • X is either box, cylinder, cone, ellipsoid, truncated_cone, truncated_torus, hammer_cylinder, screw_driver, padlock, cup_with_lid, dumbbell, or bottle_cone.
  • Y is an integer between 0 and 9.
  • One example grasp pose is visualized in the visualization window so the code should be excuted with display device (the code does not work in server).


  title={DSQNet: A Deformable Model-Based Supervised Learning Algorithm for Grasping Unknown Occluded Objects},
  author={Kim, Seungyeon and Ahn, Taegyun and Lee, Yonghyeon and Kim, Jihwan and Wang, Michael Yu and Park, Frank C},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering},