
Guided project starter code for the Hubs API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Hubs Web API

Guided project for Web API I module.

In this project we will learn how to create a very simple Web API using Node.js and Express, and cover the basics of server-side routing and using global middleware.

The code for the guided project will be written in a single file for simplicity. We'll see ways to structure an API to make it more maintainable in upcoming lectures.


Project Setup

  • fork and clone this repository.
  • CD into the folder where you cloned your fork.
  • type yarn or npm i to download dependencies.

Please follow along as the instructor builds the API step by step.

Database access

Database access will be done using the db.js file included inside the data folder. This file publishes the following methods:

  • find(): calling find returns a promise that resolves to an array of all the hubs. This method randomly fails 50% of the time.
  • findById(): this method expects an id as it's only parameter and returns a promise that resolves to the hub corresponding to the id provided.
  • add(): calling add and passing it a hub object will store that hub and resolves with the inserted hub.
  • update(): accepts two arguments, the first is the id of the hub to update and the second is an object with the changes to apply. It resolves with the updated hub.
  • remove(): the remove method accepts an id as a parameter and upon successfully deleting the hub it resolves to the removed hub.
  • clear(): removes all hubs currently stored