
Primary LanguagePython

Weather scraper

The idea of this project is to collect meteorological data from various sources over long periods of time. It is designed to run on devices with low power consumption such as Raspberry Pi but can also be run on any other system as docker container.

The intent behind collecting a lot of meteorological data was originally to create animations for meteorology lessons during pilot training. This project also served as an exercise on Linux, Docker and Pyton.

Future changes might include:

  • Improvements in logging
  • Network storage to access data
  • Testing and better exception handling
  • Making the Python code more readable and splitting it up

Data overview

The data is collected from various sources.

data interval source
weather map 6h http://www.hossi-im-netz.de/wordpress/vorhersage/bodendruckkarte/
IR satellite images 1h https://www.wetterdienst.de/Europawetter/Satellitenbilder/Infrarot/
significant weather charts 6h http://www.lennuilm.ee/prognoosiinfo/kaardid/wafc-euroopa-kaardid/
METAR 1h https://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/
TAF 1h https://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/
emagram Payerne 12h https://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/
wind charts 1d https://maercu.ch/aviation/

Hardware requirements

All code was tested on a Raspberry Pi 2B. To ensure completeness of the scraped data, I highly recommend permanent power supply and internet connection. It is also a good idea to use a large (10GB+) so the system can run for longer before storage runs out.

Setup using Docker

First of all, make sure that docker and make are installed:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install docker

The docker installation can be checked as follows:

sudo docker run hello-world
sudo docker images

Running the second command should display a list containing the hello-world repository.

Next, we will use make to initialize, build, run and start the docker container. Run the following commands from the repository directory on the machine you wish to use as permanent weather scraper.

make init
make build
make run
make start

After some time, you should be able to find the scraped files in the data directory named with date and time.

To stop the container, type the following:

make stop

While debugging, one might wish to remove all containers (while they are stopped).

make remove

To access the shell of the container, type

make shell

Alternative setup (running directly on machine)

Make sure, Python 3.6 or higher and the dependencies mentioned in requirements.txt are installed.

Set up a cronjob to execute scrapy.py every hour +30 minutes. To do so, open the crontab file:

crontab -e

Append the following line to the document:

30 * * * * python3 your_directory/scrape.py --target_dir where_to_save_data

Then, save and exit the file and check if everything is working correctly. The files should appear in individual folders and be named with date and time. I recommend backing up the data from time to time.