
Converts Neptun timetables to iCalendar format

Primary LanguageRuby

neptun2ics by sevcsik <sevcsik@gmail.com>

Converts Neptun timetable to iCalendar format

Dependencies: ruby (tested with 1.9.1), rubygems, icalendar gem
To install icalendar, do
   # gem install icalendar

First, view your timetable with 'Listas nyomtatas', and save it as complete web page.
Then you can convert it to ics :)

Usage: neptun2ics <input file> [output file] [options]
       options: -d --date <"YYYY-MM-DD">      first monday of the semester
                -f --format <"format">        format of the title field of events
                -w --weeks <number of weeks>  length of active part of semester in weeks
       format: available keywords: \#{name}, \#{code}, \#{location}
               for example, '\#{name} (\#{code}) @ \#{location}'
       note: some browsers like Chrome strips class attributes form saved html, 
             so the script can't find the table. Save as complete web page to avoid this.