
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Perfect CLI

Perfect CLI is a npm library for creating creating a CLI with the perfect interaction model:

  • By default, never error for an argument error
    • Go into interactive mode if there are any argument errors
  • If -y is passed, run in non-interactive mode
  • If -i is passed, run in interactive mode
  • All commands and parameters can be configured and explored interactively
  • By default, running the command without args is always interactive


Perfect CLI uses the same interface as commander

import { perfectCli } from "perfect-cli"
import { program } from "commander"


const packagesCmd = program
  .description("Functions for packages")

  .description("List all packages")
  .action(() => {})

  .requiredOption("-n, --name <name>")
  .option("-d, --description <description>")
  .action(() => {})

  .option("-n, --name <name>", "Package name")
  .option("-i, --id <id>", "Package Id")
  .option("--sha <sha>", "Package Commit SHA")
  .description("Get a single package")
  .action((args) => {
    console.log("packages get invoked!", args)

const usersCmd = program.command("users").description("Functions for users")

  .description("List all users")
  .action(() => {})

perfectCli(program, process.argv)

Custom Prompts for Options

You can create custom prompts for options, for example if you wanted to make a special autocomplete for an --id parameter by pinging a server for all the possible resources that can be selected. To do this, provide the customParamHandler to perfectCli, as shown below:

perfectCli(program, process.argv, {
  async customParamHandler({ commandPath, optionName }, { prompts }) {
    if (commandPath[0] === "packages" && optionName === "id") {
      return (
        await prompts({
          type: "select",
          name: "id",
          choices: [
              title: "Package 1",
              value: "1",
              title: "Package 2",
              value: "2",
          message: "Select the package ID",