
Send SMS and make text-to-speech calls via StackStorm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

seven Integration Pack

This StackStorm pack allows integration with seven service.


st2 pack install https://github.com/seven-io/StackStorm


Copy seven.yaml.dist to /opt/stackstorm/configs/seven.yaml and edit it as required.

Dynamic values from the datastore can be used too - see documentation.

Caution : Remember to tell StackStorm to reload new values after modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ by running st2ctl reload --register-configs


  • send_sms - Action which sends SMS. Multiple recipients can be separated by comma. st2 run seven.send_sms to="01716992343,491625453093" text=HI2U from=StackStorm flash=true performance_tracking=true no_reload=true label=CustomLabel foreign_id=ForeignID delay="2021-12-30 12:00"

  • send_voice - Action which makes a text-to-speech call using seven API. st2 run seven.send_voice to=+491716992343 text='Dear sir or madam' from=+13134378004 xml=false


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