
Send SMS from within BoltCMS

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Official Extension for BoltCMS

Send SMS and make text-to-speech calls.


  1. composer require seven.io/bolt

  2. Add Content Type for mobile phone field:

      # ...
        type: text
        variant: inline
      # ...
  1. Head to /bolt/file-edit/config?file=/extensions/seven-bolt.yaml and fill out apiKey. Alternatively adjust mappings where each key represents a content type and the corresponding value is a mobile number field. Notice: You can also edit this file via Maintenance->Extensions->Configuration in the administration area.


Check out the widget in the administration dashboard.

Send SMS

Send SMS to all of your content types.

Make Text-To-speech calls

Calls a given phone number and reads the given text out loud.

Message Placeholders

Each content type field can be used in the text surrounded by {{...}} e.g. {{name}} resolves to the field name. Make sure that the value has implemented a .toString() method as there is no type checking implemented as of now.


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