
The official seven plugin for the popular Moodle learning platform.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

SMS & Text2Voice Notification Block for Moodle


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Copy plugin folder into moodle blocks folder.
  3. Log in to moodle as an administrator.
  4. Install the plugin by clicking on 'reload database' button.
  5. You will be asked for an API key. Enter it, and you are ready to add a seven.io block.

Message placeholders

Reference the following user columns by wrapping them into double curly brackets, eg {{firstname}}:

  • username
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • email
  • phone1
  • phone2
  • institution
  • department
  • address
  • city
  • country


Need help? Feel free to contact us.