
Collecting FreeSWITCH events and display on web

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

What is FreeSWITCH EventCool?

FreeSWITCH EventCool is a simple tool to collect FreeSWITCH events via mod_erlang_event and display on a web page.

To use this, you need build FreeSWITCH with mod_erlang_event

cd $(FreeSWITCH source dir)
make mod_erlang_event install

And load the mod in FreeSWITCH:

fs_cli> load mod_erlang_event

Config freeswitch_node in boss.config.

It using the Chicago Boss framework, you just need to git clone the code and make(see below for more detail about Chicago Boss).

You also need to change the start script, see start_seven.sh for a sample.

Note: It using the default fake db driver, so it's not persistent. See Chicago Boss documents if you want persistent store.

See this link for more info: http://www.dujinfang.com/past/2010/12/9/freeswitch-eventcool/


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Getting Started With Chicago Boss



Build Chicago Boss with make.

When you're ready to rock and roll, run ./START-DEV.SH (or start-dev.bat) in this directory (admin priveleges needed). There will be a lot of PROGRESS REPORTs which look scary but hopefully everything is running smoothly. With this console you can interact directly with the running server. Next, point your browser to:


If all is well you will see "Hello, World!" Now you can get busy.


See the FAQ and API files located at


If you need help getting started, check out "An Evening With Chicago Boss":


There's also the mailing list:
