
Fetch file from S3 and serve to nginx internally(write in Erlang)

Primary LanguageErlang


Author: Seven Du from [Idapted Inc.](http://www.idapted.com)
typical usage is to work with nginx cache protected files. Your background app respond to check if a user has the proper rights/permissions to access some certain files, and return a X-Accel-Redirect header tell nginx to serve the file. If a file is found in the local storage, then nginx serve it directly, or fetch from a Amazon S3 bucket and cached locally. Then you may want another cron like job to delete old files in the local storage.

1) turn on sendfile on nginx conf:
	sendfile on;
2) make you app send the sendfile header:

header("X-Accel-Redirect: /file-internal/filename.jpg");
head(:x_accel_redirect => "/file-internal/filename.jpg",
      :content_disposition => "#{disposition}; filename=\"real_filename.jpg\"")

3) config Nginx for internal access only:

location /file-internal {
        alias                /tmp/idp_proxy;

        proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header  X-Uri $uri;

		# you don't need to turn on proxy store since  idp_proxy will do this for you
        # proxy_store          on;
        # proxy_store_access   user:rw  group:rw  all:r;
        # proxy_temp_path      /tmp/nginx_temp;

        proxy_set_header  X-debug1  $request_filename;
        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

        if (!-f $request_filename) {

4) the code depends on [mochiweb](http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/), and [ibrowse](http://www.nobugs.org/developer/s3erl/). So get them and either change the symbol links in deps dir or delete the symbol links and put them in place.

5) idp_proxy use a modified version of [s3erl](http://www.nobugs.org/developer/s3erl/) to fetch files from s3. Changed to use [ibrowse](http://www.nobugs.org/developer/s3erl/) instead of inets:http to stream file directly to disk. ibrowse options is configurable in deps/ibrowse/priv/ibrowse.conf

6) configure and compile idp_proxy

cd idp_proxy
cp src/idp_proxy_sample.hrl src/idp_proxy.hrl
edit src/idp_proxy.hrl 

INTERNAL_PATH: relative path will be removed from the url and concatenate with DOC_ROOT to get the local path
TMP_PATH: temp path to store files downloading from S3
DOC_ROOT: should meet the alias in the nginx conf, or can be anywhere if you turn on proxy_store

7) run


8) now open another terminal window and run test/test.sh


* serve immediately to nginx in chunk without waiting for the complete of s3 download