To see Web app:
Web-based pedagogical stellar astrophysics
Stellar atmospheric modeling and atomic-line-list-driven spectrum synthesis on the server side in Java.
Client-side JavaScript code produces synthetic observables and measurments, applies additional
spectral line broadening, and renders direct observables and draws technical plots in HTML
with element.
Synthetic spectrum is labeled with line-ID tags and the HTML UI allows the user to inspect
the ascii version of the atomic line list (from NIST).
JSON used to mark-up atmospheric modeling and spectrum synthesis output for transmission with
http rquest.
Clinet-side JS code contains version of IDL's axis() procedure for automatically scaling
and graduating x- and y-axis data.
Open source MIT license. Computatational astrophysicists: This is also a path-finder for
webifying research-grade modeling that would bnefit from citizen science job-control level parallelism.