My vim files

1 set .vimrc and dein.vim

cd ~
git clone git://
ln -s ~/dot-vim-files/.vimrc .

2 install build-essentials

to make vimproc

sudo apt-get install build-essential

3 Install plugins

Just Launch vim

and dein.vim and plugins will be automatically installed.

4 for ale

Install jshint

yarn global add jshint

Install rubocop

gem install rubocop

install pyflakes, pep8

pip install pyflakes pep8

install textlint

yarn global add textlint

and settings you need...

5 for vim-ref

gem install refe2
bitclust setup

6 for cmigemo

sudo apt-get install cmigemo

for mac

brew install cmigemo

7 searcher

sudo apt install silversearcher-ag

for mac

brew install the_silver_searcher
brew install ripgrep

8 for matcher cpsm

for mac

brew install boost
brew install cmake