Proper Value Equivalence

Code to reproduce the toy experiments illustrated in the Proper Value Equivalence paper.


Requires python >= 3.8

git clone && \
cd proper_value_equivalence && \
mkdir visuals && \
python3.8 -m venv venv && \
source venv/bin/activate && \
pip install -r requirements.txt

Also requires a system installation of latex

sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended dvipng cm-super && \
pip install latex


To generate the toy plots described in the paper one must first generate data using the file and then visualize that data using the experiment_visualizations.ipynb notebook.

The syntax for running the file is as follows:

python <experiment_type> <data_directory> <random_seed>

where experiment_type is either diameter or capacity, data_directory is a folder where the data will be written to and random_seed is the seed for jax and numpy.

Generating Data

To generate all data needed for the visualizations of toy experiments, run the following two commands (this may take a while):

python diameter . 1234
python capacity . 1234

When these commands are completed there will be two new directories ray_diameter and ray_capacity with the following structure

├── ray_diameter
│   └── run_experiment_XXXX          # Load and stress tests
└── ray_capacity
    └── run_experiment_YYYY

where XXXX and YYYY are replaced with date/time information corresponding to when you ran the experiment.

Visualizing Data

To visualize the data, start up the Jupyter notebook by running

jupyter notebook

then open experiment_visualizations.ipynb in your browser.

There is a cell labeled Data loading configuration which has three values to specify: RAY_DIR, CAPACITY_EXPERIMENT_DIRS and DIAMETER_EXPERIMENT_DIRS. Set RAY_DIR=., CAPACITY_EXPERIMENT_DIRS=YYYY and DIAMETER_EXPERIMENT_DIRS=XXXX where XXXX and YYYY are defined in the previous section.

This will save the plots in a folder ./visuals/