This project is an agent for scraping, parsing and writing to some storages.
Firstly, it has been scraped the news on the portal(eg, Naver/Daum) in Korea.
Target page -------------------------|
|- 1'st Sub -----------------------|
|- 2'st Sub ------------------|
|- N'st visitable ------|=> asynchronous scraper(crawler) module
|- ... -----------------------| |
|- 1'st Sub -----------------------| |=> asynchronous emitter(store or relay) module
|- ... ----------------------------|
Actually, this is an extendable parsing handler.
Data crawling do via the Scraper interface.
This is an extendable output module via Emitter interface
- GachiFinder works with go 1.15+(on current build version).
- In the case of Windows, it couldn't be invoked "make" command,
So you need to download and install GNUMake for windows.
# If you're on Windows, run "Git Bash" and type the followings.
$ git clone
$ cd gachifinder
$ make all # or one of "windows", "darwin" and "linux".
If well done, you can see the binary.
$ cd $GACHIFINDER_FOLDER/cmd/gachifinder/windows
$ ls
You can run it refers to the help options.
$ ./gachifinder.exe -h
C:\Users\...\go\src\\seversky\gachifinder\cmd\gachifinder\windows\gachifinder.exe [OPTIONS]
Options for GachiFinder
Application Options:
/c, /config_path: Path To configure (default: ../config/gachifinder.yml)
/t, /test To test for crawling via a scraper only
(Without an emitter module)
/v, /version Show GachiFinder version and git revision id
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
max_used_cores: 0 # if zero(0), all cores used.
interval: 5 # Crawing interval(unit: min)
log_level: debug # one of trace, debug, info, warn[ing], error, fatal or panic
stdout: true
format: 'text' # one of "text" or "json"
# go_time_format: '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00' # default=RFC3339, refer to
force_colors: true
log_path: './log/gachifinder.log'
max_size: 50 # Max megabytes before log is rotated
max_age: 7 # Max number of days to retain log files
max_backups: 3 # Max number of old log files to keep
compress: true
# allowed_domains:
# -
# -
user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36'
max_depth_to_visit: 1
async: true # Async turns on asynchronous network communication. Use Collector.Wait() to be sure all requests have been finished.
parallelism: 20 # The number of the maximum allowed concurrent requests of the matching domains.
delay: 1 # The duration to wait before creating a new request to the matching domains.(unit: sec)
random_delay: 5 # The extra randomized duration to wait added to delay before creating a new request.(unit: sec)
consumer_queue_threads: 2 # The number of consumer queue threads
consumer_queue_max_size: 10 # Max size of consumer queue
- http://elasticsearch:9200
username: elastic
password: changeme
# Go into the folder where the built binary of gachifinder is.
$ cd $GACHIFINDER_FOLDER/cmd/gachifinder/windows
$ ./gachifinder.exe -t
INFO[2021-05-28T15:13:41+09:00] Show All Configurations config.Emitter.Elasticsearch.Hosts="[http://elasticsearch:9200]" config.Emitter.Elasticsearch.Password=changem
e config.Emitter.Elasticsearch.Username=elastic config.Global.Interval=5 config.Global.Log.Compress=true config.Global.Log.ForceColors=true config.Global.Log.Format=text
config.Global.Log.GoTimeFormat= config.Global.Log.LogLevel=debug config.Global.Log.LogPath=./log/gachifinder.log config.Global.Log.MaxAge=7 config.Global.Log.MaxBackups=3
config.Global.Log.MaxSize=50 config.Global.Log.Stdout=true config.Global.MaxUsedCores=0 config.Scraper.AllowedDomains="[]" config.Scraper.Async=true config.Scraper.
ConsumerQueueMaxSize=10 config.Scraper.ConsumerQueueThreads=2 config.Scraper.Delay=1 config.Scraper.MaxDepthToVisit=1 config.Scraper.Parallelism=20 config.Scraper.RandomD
elay=5 config.Scraper.UserAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36" config.Scraper.VisitDomains="[https://news.n]"
INFO[2021-05-28T15:13:41+09:00] Application Initializing 1-GO Runtime Version=go1.16.3 2-System Arch=amd64 3-GachiFider version=0.1.0 4-GachiFider revisi
on number=c44ad459 5-Number of used CPUs=8
INFO[2021-05-28T14:56:34+09:00] Begin crawling
INFO[2021-05-28T14:56:34+09:00] visiting
INFO[2021-05-28T14:56:34+09:00] visiting
I suppose to be already installed Docker and Docker-compose therefore I don't handle installing those here.
To run Elasticsearch and Kibana, just go ahead below.
$ docker-compose up -d --build
If Elasticsearch account has been changed, you need to type into docker/kibana/kibana.yml