
Telegram Bot for adding series/movies to Sonarr/Radarr or for changing the download speed of Transmission

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Pulls

This is a Telegram Bot made to add series to Sonarr or movies to Radarr with a couple of commands. You can also communicate with your Transmission service to change its download speed. The bot has also recently changed from a ReplyKeyboard to an InlineKeboard, as you can see in the screenshots.


  • Add series/movies to Sonarr/Radarr
  • Get a list of all the series on Sonarr
  • Change down-/uploadspeed of Transmission (Temporary Speed Limit)
  • Secure bot with a password. New chats first need to authenticate
  • Wrong login attempts are saved in addarr.log
  • Possibility to enable the Transmission-command only for admins
  • Possibility to change the entrypoints of the commands
  • Translated in English (US), Dutch (Belgium), Spanish (Spain), Italian (Italy) and Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Command to give an overview of all the other commands


These are the default commands:

  • /help: gives an overview of all the commands with their action
  • /auth: authenticate the chat to use this bot
  • /start: start adding a series or movie to Sonarr/Radarr
  • /movie (en-us) - /film (nl-be, it-it) - /file (pt-pt) - /PelĂ­cula (es-es): start adding a movie to Radarr
  • /series (en-us) - /serie (nl-be, it-it, pt-pt, es-es) : start adding a series to Sonarr
  • /allSeries: receive a list of all the series on Sonarr
  • /allMovies: receive a list of all the movies on Radarr
  • /transmission: change the down-/upload speed of Transmission from Temporary Speed Limit to normal or the other way around
  • /sabnzbd: change the down-/upload speed of Sabnzbd to 25%, 50% or 100% of the defined limit.
  • /stop: stops the command you were executing. Can be used at any moment

Every command does also work if you send a message without / and no other words before or after the entrypoint


An example of the config file (config_example.yaml) can be found in this repository. Change it to your configuration. After you've filled in all the necessary fields, rename it to config.yaml.


There is a functionality to only let admins use the transmission command. Before you can use this, you should enable it in the config file config.yaml. Then you need to add the admins to admin.txt. You can add the username or id of the user. Every added user should be on a new line to prevent errors.


You can find the installation guides on the wikipage.