
The official Rust image extended with only what is needed for Codecov.

Rust Codecov

Stable: pipeline status Beta: pipeline status Nightly: pipeline status

docker rust codecov

Official Rust with requirements for Codecov. All builds are automated so they are always the most recent images. The nightly image rebuilds every day, both beta and nightly rebuild once a week.


The images are hosted on both Dockerhub and GitLab registries. While I have not tested it, if using GitLab CI, those images will likely be much faster.


To use the dockerhub registry, the datenstrom/rust-codecov image. The stable, beta, and nightly tags are available.

docker pull datenstrom/rust-codecov:stable
docker pull datenstrom/rust-codecov:beta
docker pull datenstrom/rust-codecov:nightly


All of the images can be found in the project registry and can be used just like images from dockerhub.

docker pull registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:stable
docker pull registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:beta
docker pull registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:nightly

To use with CI just replace image: rust with the URL of the registry image.

.cargo_test_template: &cargo_test
  stage: test
    - cargo test --verbose --jobs 1 --all

  image: registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:stable
  <<: *cargo_test
    - |
      for file in target/debug/question-*[^\.d]; do mkdir -p "target/cov/$(basename $file)"; kcov --exclude-pattern=/.cargo,/usr/lib --verify "target/cov/$(basename $file)" "$file"; done &&
      bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -t $CODECOV_TOKEN &&
      echo "Uploaded code coverage"

  image: registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:beta
  <<: *cargo_test

  image: registry.gitlab.com/starshell/docker/rust-codecov:nightly
  <<: *cargo_test