
Easy to Use Odata service in Java script

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


It can be used as the URL generater to genarete the query for doata service

Install it

npm i easy-odatajs

How to genreate the odata service URL

create an query object which simplify the odata query.

query template:

<value> : normally is string value, can be null

<fieldName> : the field name you want to select

<Integer>: integer value

<operator>: here is the allowed operater ge,le,gt,lt,lt,ne, eq

<format> : format value can be json, xml

<sortOption> : sortOption can be asc, desc

    "<fieldName>" : "<value>",
    "<fieldName>" : "<value>",
    "<fieldName>" : ["<value>","<value>","<value>"...]
  "fitlerOption": {
    "<fieldName>": "<operator>",
    "<fieldName>" : {
      "low":  { "operator" : "<operator>", "value": "<value>"  },
      "high": { "operator" : "<operator>", "value": "<value>"  }
  "pagination": { 
    "current" :  <Integer>,  
    "pageSize" : <Integer> 
  "select":["<fieldName>", "<fieldName>", "<fieldName>", "<fieldName>"...],
  "orderby": { 
    "<fieldName>": "<sortOption>", 
    "<fieldName>": "<sortOption>" 
  "format": "<format>",
  "search": "<value>"

here is odata query example, and here is the How to use

  "filter": { 
    "Country" : "Germany", 
    "City": "Berlin" ,
  "filterOption" : {
    "City" : "ne",
    "PostalCode" : {
      "low"  : { "operator" : "ge", "value": "100" },
      "high" : { "operator" : "le", "value": "102" }
  "pagination": {
    "current" : 1, 
    "pageSize" : 10 
  "orderby": {
    "Country" : "asc",
    "CustomerID" : "desc"
  "select" : ["CustomerID", "CompanyName", "ContactName", "ContactTitle", "Address", "City", "Region", "PostalCode"],
  "format" : "json"

Example Code :

  //initialize the odate service URL
  let testOdataServiceURL = "https://services.odata.org/V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc";
  let entity = "Customers";
  let odataQuery = new ODataQuery(testOdataServiceURL, entity);

  //prepreate the query infoimation base on the template request
  let query = {
    "filter" : { 
      "Country" : "Germany",
      "City": "Berlin" 

  //get odata query URL
  let odataQueryURL = odataQuery.createQuery(query).getOdataQueryURL();
  //user the ajax or other javascript library to get the corresponding response from odata request

How to genreate the odata batch body

if we want to create mutiple enitites or update multiple entities in one time , we could use odata batch functionanlites

here the steps to genter the odata batch :

batch request Template :

<method> : http method , can be POST, PATCH, DELETE

<entity> : entity name

<request>: the request which create new entity or update entity, if method is DELETE, the request can be null

  "method" : "<method>",
  "entity" : "<entity>",
  "request": "<request>"

Example Code

//prepre the correspoding request

let odataBatch = new OdataBatch();

//get headerinfo and add header to request
let header  = odataBatch.getHeaderInfo();

//prepare the batch request base on the reuqest

  let postRequest = {
      method : "POST",
      entity : "Customers",
      request : {
          "CompanyName" : "Wolfgong",
          "ContactName" : "Smith"
  let patchRequest = {
      method : "PATCH",
      entity : "Customers('ALFKI')",
      request : {
          "CompanyName" : "Name1",
          "ContactName" : "Name2"
  let deleteRequest = {
      method : "DELETE",
      entity : "Customers('ALFKI')",

let aBatchRequest = []
aBatchRequest.push(postRequest, patchRequest, deleteRequest); // add the corresponding request 

//creat the batch data for the request body
let odataBatch = new OdataBatch();
let batchData = odataBatch.createBatchData(aBatchRequest).getBatchData();

//set the header and body and set the request to do the create / update / delete operations 