
A highly configurable vocabulary trainer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A highly configurable vocab trainer

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About The Project

Digitalization is creating a huge change in the world. We no longer only have the chance to communicate with our fellow human beings in the vicinity, but to interact quickly and easily around the entire globe. Language is our most important medium, which helps us to interact with the other person. A common language helps to make life easier and to break barriers. That's why we founded Vocascan, a server-client based open-source vocabulary trainer. We believe that everyone should have the chance to learn another language for free and in their own way. Based on the ever-proven principle of flashcards, we have developed a highly configurable trainer that has many settings to adapt it to your learning methods and strategies.

Core Features

  • 📚 Learn your vocabs very easily
  • ☁️ Synchronized with any device
  • 👪 Share vocabs with your friends

Built With

React Electron Material-UI Redux Sass ESLint Prettier Stylelint

Getting Started

To use the Vocascan frontend you currently need a running Vocascan server. To learn more about this visit the documentation.

Now let's move on to the set up of the frontend itself. Here we have prepared presets and explanations for the various possibilities. Take a look at our docs to set up your frontend perfectly. (links are coming soon)

  • Docker
  • Docker with Nginx webserver
  • Build it yourself

If any questions have come up, it's best to check out our FAQ. If they are still not answered, feel free to contact a maintainer. Check the contact section for more information



More Images add-vocab-screen language-selection query-card-front query-card-back

For a better guide to the functions, please refer to the Documentation.


  • Theming
  • Outsource Frontend as a website

See the project board for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

For a more detailed instruction about contributing visit our contribution docs.


Distributed under the Apache 2 License. See LICENSE for more information.


Vocascan - @vocascan - vocascan@gmail.com - Discord

Project Link: https://github.com/vocascan/vocascan-frontend