
Primary LanguageJavaScript


TR-064 - UPnP/IGD for node.js


A library to interact with routers and other network devices. Tested and designd for Fritz.Box routers.

This library is capable of:

  • Supports the UPnP, IGD and PMR (Samsung TV) Protocol
  • Read and configure Services
  • Authentication with username/password or password only
  • SSL encryption
  • Transactions
  • Subscribe to Events with included EventServer

More info about TR-064: https://avm.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Global/Service/Schnittstellen/AVM_TR-064_first_steps.pdf


  npm install tr-064

It`s simple

Connect to the device and read a Service.

var tr = require('tr-064');
var tr064 = new tr.TR064();
tr064.initTR064Device('fritz.box', 49000, function(err, device) {
    if (!err) {
        var wanip = device.services['urn:dslforum-org:service:WANIPConnection:1'];
        wanip.actions.GetInfo(function(err, result) {

Save communication (SSL Encryption, Authentication)

var tr = require('tr-064');
var tr064 = new tr.TR064();
tr064.initTR064Device('fritz.box', 49000, function(err, device) {
    if (!err) {
        device.startEncryptedCommunication(function(err, sslDev) {
            if (!err) {
                sslDev.login([USER], [PASSWORD]);
                var wanip = sslDev.services['urn:dslforum-org:service:WANIPConnection:1'];
                wanip.actions.GetInfo(function(err, result) {

List All Services and Variables

Get the info from both protocols.

var tr = require('tr-064');
var tr064 = new tr.TR064();
tr064.initTR064Device('fritz.box', 49000, function(err, device) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log('Found device! - TR-064');

tr064.initIGDDevice('fritz.box', 49000, function(err, device) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log('Found device! - IGD');

var showDevice = function(device) {
    console.log('=== ' + device.meta.friendlyName + ' ===');
    device.meta.servicesInfo.forEach(function(serviceType) {
        var service = device.services[serviceType];
        console.log('  ---> ' + service.meta.serviceType + ' <---');
        service.meta.actionsInfo.forEach(function(action) {
            console.log('   # ' + action.name + '()');
            action.inArgs.forEach(function(arg) {
                console.log('     IN : ' + arg);
            action.outArgs.forEach(function(arg) {
                console.log('     OUT: ' + arg);


initTR064Device(host, port, callback)

Initialize the TR - 064 UPnP controller

  • host - hostname of the device
  • port - port of the device(standard: 49000)
  • callback - (err, device)

initIGDDevice(host, port, callback)

Initialize the TR - 064 IGD controller

  • host - hostname of the device
  • port - port of the device(standard: 49000)
  • callback - (err, device)


Starts SSL encrypted Communication

  • caFile - Filename of custom .pem file (Optional)
  • callback - (err, device)


Stops SSL encrypted Communication


Configure device to use authentication for every request

  • user - Username (Optional, default device user is used instead)
  • password - Device password


Configure device to not use authentication


Starts a 'device-side' transaction

  • callback - (err, device)


Ends the current transaction


Array with all info about services and actions

device.services[Service Identifier]

Gets the specified service form the device

  • Service Identifier - usually in the form of: urn:dslforum-org:service:XXX:1

service.actions.XXX([{name: 'xx', value: 'xx'}], callback)

  • name - Argumentname for Action
  • value - Argumentvalue for Action
  • callback - (err, result)
service.actions.SetEnable([{ name: 'NewEnable', value: '1' }], function(err, result) {


Feel free to provide PRs with updates to this package. But please follow these steps:

  • Fork it
  • Add your changes
  • Format your code: yarn format
  • Commit your changes, while adhearing to the Angular commit convention.
  • Submit your PR