Microsoft Remote Desktop Services


This template deploys a Microsaoft Remote Desktop Service infrastructure comprised of one Gateway, one Broker and two or more Session Hosts.

Security Controls

The following security controls can be met through configuration of this template:

  • None documented yet



terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12.1"
provider "azurerm" {
  version = ">= 1.32.0"
  # subscription_id = "2de839a0-37f9-4163-a32a-e1bdb8d6eb7e"

data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {}

module "rdsvms" {
  source = ""

  ad_domain_name            = ""
  rds_prefix                = "DAZF"
  resourceGroupName         = "${var.envprefix}-MGMT-RDS-RG"
  admin_username            = "azureadmin"
  secretPasswordName        = "server2016DefaultPassword"
  pazSubnetName             = "${var.envprefix}-MGMT-PAZ"
  appSubnetName             = "${var.envprefix}-MGMT-APP"
  vnetName                  = "${var.envprefix}-Core-NetMGMT-VNET"
  vnetResourceGroupName     = "${var.envprefix}-Core-NetMGMT-RG"
  externalfqdn              = ""
  dnsServers                = ["", ""]
  rdsGWIPAddress            = ""
  rdsBRKIPAddress           = ""
  rdsSSHIPAddresses         = ["", ""]
  broker_gateway_vm_size    = "Standard_D2s_v3"
  session_hosts_vm_size     = "Standard_D4s_v3"
  keyVaultName              = "someKVName"
  keyVaultResourceGroupName = "some-Keyvault-RG"

Variable Values

To be documented


Date Release Change
20190726 20190801.1 1st module version