This project includes a web application for a restaurant that offers an online menu and reservation system. Users can view the menu, order and make reservations for meals.
Users can see the restaurant's information on the home page. On the menu page, users can view food categories and dishes. Users can add the dishes they choose to the cart and place an order. On the reservation page, users can enter their reservation information and make a reservation. Users can contact the restaurant on the contact page.
When the application runs, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You can see the restaurant information on the home page. You can view the dishes on the menu page and add them to the cart. To place an order, go to the cart page and enter the required information. To make a reservation, go to the reservation page and enter the required information. You can contact the restaurant on the contact page.
The project structure will be as follows:
src: Contains the source codes of the application. components: Contains application components. pages: Contains different pages of the application. assets: Contains image and other media files. App.js: Contains the main application component and manages redirects. index.js: It is the entry point of the application.# React-restaurant