WebGL Tutorial

0. Motivation

In class I was confused about fragment operation and rotation on several axes. So I wanted to make a tutorial on transformation and fragment operation. I hope this tutorial will help people who are having difficulties like me.

1. Outline

  • Texture Mapping
  • Transformation
  • Fragment Operation

2. File structure

  • box.html
  • box.js
  • gl-matrix.js
  • shape.jpg

3. Basic information

  • Canvas size : width="600" height="450"
  • Vertex shader code
var vertexShaderSource = '\
			attribute highp vec4 myVertex; \
			attribute highp vec4 myColor; \
			attribute highp vec2 myUV; \
			uniform mediump mat4 mMat; \
			uniform mediump mat4 vMat; \
			uniform mediump mat4 pMat; \
			varying  highp vec4 color;\
			varying mediump vec2 texCoord;\
			void main(void)  \
			{ \
				gl_Position = pMat * vMat * mMat * myVertex; \
				gl_PointSize = 8.0; \
				color = myColor; \
				texCoord = myUV*1.0; \
  • Fragment Shader code
var fragmentShaderSource = '\
			varying highp vec4 color; \
			varying mediump vec2 texCoord;\
			uniform sampler2D sampler2d;\
			void main(void) \
			{ \
				gl_FragColor = 0.0 * color + 1.0 * texture2D(sampler2d, texCoord); \
                gl_FragColor = pow(gl_FragColor,vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)); \
                gl_FragColor.a=1.5; \

4. Function

  • Texture Mapping
    You can make cube with texture.
    In the vertex shader, you must modify the texture coordinates to read. You must also modify the Fragment Shader.(Check the code above)
var texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);

var image = new Image();
image.src = "please write image src"

image.addEventListener('load', function() {
		gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
		gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
  • Rotation
    You can rotate the cube on three axes using model matrix in the rotate function.
    Tip) if you want to rotate the both axes, write two codes at the same time.
mat4.rotateX(mMat, mMat, rotX);
mat4.rotateY(mMat, mMat, rotY);
mat4.rotateZ(mMat, mMat, rotZ);
  • Translation
    In the translate function, you can move the cube using a model matrix to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively.
mat4.translate(mMat, mMat, [x_position,y_position,z_position]);
  • Scale
    You can enlarge or reduce the size of the cube using model matrix in the scale function.
    Tip) the larger the scaleSize, the larger the cube.
mat4.scale(mMat, mMat,[scaleSizeX, scaleSizeY, scaleSizeZ]);
  • Reflection
    You can reflect the cube.
    Reflection corresponds to negative scale facotrs.
function xReflection(){
function yReflection(){
function zReflection(){
  • Scissor Test
    You can take a scissor test, one of the Fragment operations.
    The scissor test is a function that prints only specific areas specified on the screen.
    Tip) you need to set the size to cut.
gl.scissor(200, 130, 200, 200);

If you want to turn off the scissors test,

  • Depth Test
    You can take a dept test, one of the Fragment operations.
    Depth test is disabled by default. In order to activate the depth test, You should activate the gl.DEPTH_TEST option.
    If you activate the Depth test, the back doesn't show up in front.

If you want to turn off the depth test,



(CC-NC-BY) Kim Seyeon 2020
A picture drawn by me

