A comprehensive list of awesome macOS frameworks & libraries.
- Apple macOS Human Interface Guidelines - You probably should start by reading this. It explains almost everything you should and shouldn't do when developing for the Mac.
- Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X 5th Edition - A great deal of macOS programmers started with this book. 🔶
- Ry's Cocoa Tutorial - Clear, concise and practical. Hands down the best digital book on Cocoa Development.
- Ry's Objective-C Tutorial - If you are just starting out, read and learn Objective-C first with this free tutorial. (Or you can learn Swift, your choice.)
- Ray Wenderlich's macOS Tutorials - Ray Wenderlich website has a lot of tutorials for macOS development.
- TwUI - A UI framework for Mac based on Core Animation
- Masonry - Auto-Layout, simplified.
- KSNavigationController - UINavigationController on macOS.
- StatusItemController - Boilerplate controller for Status Item apps.
- AboutThisApp - A more customizable about this app panel.
- RichEditor - Allows you to turn a native NSTextView into a full blown WYSIWYG editor.
- pop - An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
- Alamofire - A HTTP networking library written in Swift. 🔶
- AFNetworking - A HTTP networking library written in Objective-C.
- TRON - Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire. 🔶
- IJSVG - OSX SVG Library
- Sparkle - open source software update framework for macOS
- Squirrel - Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps
- ShortcutRecorder - The only user interface control to record shortcuts.
- MASShortcut - Modern framework for managing global keyboard shortcuts compatible with Mac App Store.
- Algorithm - Algorithm is a collection of data structures that are empowered by a probability toolset. 🔶
- Hue - Color utilities written with Swift. 🔶
- Freddy - A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift. 🔶
- Omni Group Frameworks - A huge collection of frameworks, open sourced by The Omni Group.