
You can generate roots with the command line:

python3 -v numberOfVoters -c numberOfCandidates [-s shows the vectors, -w write to a file] 

For instance:

> python3 -v 10 -c 2

Starting 10 2
Completed in  0.003
All  : 1024
Roots: 6

> python3 -v 10 -c 2 -s

Starting 10 2
Completed in  0.003
All  : 1024
Roots: 6
array([[ 5,  5],
       [ 6,  4],
       [ 7,  3],
       [ 8,  2],
       [ 9,  1],
       [10,  0]])

  • Requires python3.8 because it uses 'math.comb' function which was introduced there.

  • Requres sympy and numpy. Dependencies can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt

  • roots can be generatated by

import rootprofiles as rp
roots = rp.generate_roots(number_of_voters, number_of_candidates)
  • normalized vectors can be generated by one of the three methods
normalized = generate_normalized_semidirect(number_of_candidates, number_of_voters)
normalized = generate_normalized_direct(number_of_candidates, number_of_voters)
normalized = generate_normalized_indirect(number_of_candidates, number_of_voters)

TODO I will probably create one wrapper to it with the method parameter (as it is in the roots function)

TODO Changing types to dtype=np.int16 from dtype=int increases the available memory. I think in principle it is possible to use 8 bit as well as long as we have less then 127 voters.