- Nodejs
- Agenda
- Nodemailer
- ExpressJs
- MongoDb
- Schedule emails for Day(n)(1-31) of every month
- Get All schedules
- Update Schedules
- Delete Schedules
POST /api/schedule/createjob
- it takes an object of
"nameOfJob": "",
"recievingEmail": "",
"message": "",
"emailSubject": "",
scheduled time of
- "min": 30, (default)(0-59)
- "hr":"",(0-23)
- "dayofMonth":"",(1-31)
- "dayOfWeek": "",(names or 0-7, 0 and 7 are sunday)
- "month": ""(1-12 or names)
if you provide 2 for hr(hours) 30 for min 3 for dayOfMonth The email will be sent every 2:30am on the 3rd of every month
To know more about the timing, Visit (Node cron npm page https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron).
- it takes an object of
GET /api/schedule/getAll
- It returns an array of all scheduled tasks
PUT /api/schedule/update
- it takes an object of
- "nameOfJob": "",
- "priority": (Like i said earlier, you can install and tweak)
- it takes an object of
DELETE /api/schedule/delete
- it takes an object of
- "nameOfJob": "",
- it takes an object of
Happy Hacking 😋