
This is the 3rd project I submitted for the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree

Primary LanguageHTML

Prosper Loan Data Exploration

by Oluwaseyi Adisa


This dataset contains data on about 113,000 loans made in 2009. The dataset is from Prosper Marketplace, Inc. I started exploring this dataset by doing some data wrangling which involved assessing the data visually and programmatically and also changing the type of some of the columns.

Summary of Findings

  1. Investors rely on the credit grade of borrowers to decide whether to fund the loan or not.
  2. The credit grade of borrowers also determines if they will get the loan. A higher grade means there a very high chance they will get the loan.
  3. The state a borrower lives in has no effect on them getting a loan
  4. Owning a home increases borrowers' chances of getting investors' funding.
  5. More than 75% of the loans are paid back before the due date. $1000 is the most frequent amount owed after the due date.
  6. Unemployed borrowers and those who don't earn income have a harder time paying back their loans on time.

Key Insights for Presentation

I choose the first 2 summary points to display in my presentation because they show a key metric in getting loans approved. I will be polishing the already made visualisations