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A repository containing a bunch of beginner-friendly front-end web development ideas that anyone can add to.

See something you like?

If you're new, check out our learning-project-guide repo on some first steps to contributing around here.

When you see a project you'd like to complete, simply:

  • Make a fork of the repo, then create a new branch called firstname-lastname
  • Create a folder named firstname-lastname-projectname for your project in your branch
  • Put all your assets, like your source code, images, and stylesheets, in the folder
  • Create a pull request and request a review to get it merged (don't forget to compare across forks!)


Survey form, inspired by Aki Jessica's 30 Days Vanilla Frontend Challenges

Using the reference below, create a survey form similar to it. The design and content of the form can be changed at your discretion, but all the input types used in the sample must be used.
