
shell script

Primary LanguageShell


shell script

for myprog1

Shell script that takes a single command line argument which is a file containing one integer per line as the following: 20 18 5 32 4 From this data, your program should print out a row of stars of the given length for each integer.

///when running linux from terminal chmod +x myprog1.sh ./myprog1.sh numbers.txt

for myprog2

Shell script that reads integers (one-per-line) from the user until it reads the word “end”. Afterward, it will report the maximum number given by the user.

///when running linux from terminal ./myprog2.sh

for myprog3

Shell script that takes an optional argument as a directory, and removes all zero length ordinary files in the directory

///when running linux from terminal chmod +x myprog3.sh ./myprog3.sh folder_directory