The youtube link of videos are given in the notebook files. They can be accessed from PID, Fuzzy and LQR respectively.
In this project I have build a Self Balancing Robot Simulation in Gazebo. The files are structured as following
It has two jupyter notebook files . One contains the Description of Robot Model development named Self Balancing Robot.ipynb
. The Controllers.ipynb
describes the testing of the controllers, with Videos.
The video folder inside the notebook folder contains the videos of the project
shows PID,
shows the Fuzzy P controller implementation and
shows the LQR implementation.
The launch folder contains the launch files
First download the github repository in your catkin workspace, and compile the project by writing catkin_make in the terminal.
Then cd to the src folder of repository and write in the terminal chmod +x *.py"
Then for PID
roslaunch self_balancing_robot main.launch
For Fuzzy Controller
roslaunch self_balancing_robot main_Fuzzy.launch
For LQR Controller
roslaunch self_balancing_robot main_LQR.launch
For any feedbacks and or suggestions , please contact
For Deep Q Network control
roslaunch self_balancing_robot main_no_control.launch
For running the code of DQN, go to Notebook/SelfBalanceDeepRLQ.ipynb
and run
Paper link