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Sezzle Extension for Magento 2


This document will help you in installing Sezzle's Magento 2 extension. This extension is a certified one and listed here in the marketplace. The plugin can also be downloaded from github.

How to install the extension?

There are two ways of installing and upgrading the extension.

  • By composer.
  • Manual Process.

For all purposes assume [Magento] as your Magento 2 root directory.


  • Open terminal and navigate to Magento root path.
  • composer require sezzle/sezzlepay
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento cache:clean


  • Download the .zip or tar.gz file from Sezzle's github repository.
  • Unzip the file and follow the following instructions.
  • Navigate to Magento [Magento]/app/code/ either through SFTP or SSH.
  • Copy Sezzle directory from unzipped folder to [Magento]/app/code/.
  • Open the terminal.
  • Run the following command to enable Sezzle: php bin/magento module:enable Sezzle_Sezzlepay
  • Run the Magento setup upgrade: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Run the Magento Dependencies Injection Compile: php bin/`magento` setup:di:compile
  • Run the Magento Static Content deployment: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Login to Magento Admin and navigate to System > Cache Management.
  • Flush the cache storage by selecting Flush Cache Storage.

You can now directly navigate from the Configuration Page to get signed up for Sezzle. To do so, you need to click on Register for Sezzle which will redirect you to the Sezzle Merchant Signup Page. If you have the details already, you can simply click on I've already setup Sezzle, I want to edit my settings to move ahead.

How to upgrade the extension?


  • Open terminal and navigate to Magento root path.
  • composer update sezzle/sezzlepay
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento cache:clean


  • Download the .zip or tar.gz file from Sezzle's github repository.
  • Unzip the file and follow the following instructions.
  • Copy Sezzle directory from unzipped folder to [Magento]/app/code/. Make sure you are overwriting the files.
  • Open the terminal.
  • Run the following command to enable Sezzle: php bin/magento module:enable Sezzle_Sezzlepay
  • Run the Magento setup upgrade: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Run the Magento Dependencies Injection Compile: php bin/`magento` setup:di:compile
  • Run the Magento Static Content deployment: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Login to Magento Admin and navigate to System > Cache Management.
  • Flush the cache storage by selecting Flush Cache Storage.

Configure Sezzle

Payment Configuration

  • Set Enabled as Yes to activate Sezzle as a payment option.
  • Make sure you have the Merchant UUID and the API Keys from the Sezzle Merchant Dashboard. Sign Up if you have not signed up to get the necessities.
  • Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Sezzle > Payment Settings in your Magento admin.
  • Set the Payment Mode to Live for LIVE and set it as Sandbox for SANDBOX.
  • Set the Merchant UUID, Public Key and Private Key.
  • Set Payment Action as Authorize only for doing payment authorization only and Authorize and Capture for doing instant capture.
  • Set Min Checkout Amount to restrict Sezzle payment method below that amount.
  • Set Payment from Applicable Countries to Specific Countries.
  • Set Payment from Specific Countries to United States or Canada as Sezzle is currently available for US and Canada only.
  • Set Enable Customer Tokenization to Yes for allowing Sezzle to tokenize the customer account if they approve it. If customer wish to tokenize their account, next time, they don't have to redirect to Sezzle Checkout for completing the purchase, rather it will happen in your website.
  • Set Sort Order to manage the position of Sezzle in the checkout payment options list.
  • Save the configuration and clear the cache.

In-Context Configuration

  • Set Enable In-Context Solution to Yes for the In-Context Checkout to get activated.
  • Set In-Context Checkout Mode to IFrame or PopUp depending on how you want Sezzle Checkout to get hosted.

Settlement Report Configuration

  • Set Enable Settlement Reports to Yes for the Settlement Reports Dashboard to get activated.
  • Set Range to a value based on which you want to fetch the Settlement Reports.
  • Set Enable Automatic Syncing to fetch the Settlement Reports asynchronously.
  • Set Schedule and Time of Day for the above automatic sync to run.

Note : Automatic Syncing requires cron to be enabled.

Widget Configuration

  • Set Enable Widget in PDP to Yes for adding widget script in the Product Display Page which will help in enabling Sezzle Widget Modal in PDP.
  • Set Enable Widget in Cart Page to Yes for adding widget script in the Cart Page which will help in enabling Sezzle Widget Modal in Cart Page.
  • Set Enable Installment Widget in Checkout Page to Yes if you want to show the Sezzle Installment Widget under Sezzle Payment Option in Checkout Page.
  • Set Path to Price Element. This is the path to the element in the Checkout Page where the order total text value will be detected.
  • Save the configuration and clear the cache.

Developer Configuration

  • Enable the log tracker to trace the Sezzle checkout process.
  • Set Send Logs to Sezzle to Yes if you want the logs to be sent to Sezzle in a periodic basic. For this cron needs to be enabled.
  • You can also download the latest logs by clicking on Sezzle Log if any.
  • Save the configuration and clear the cache.

Your store is now ready to accept payments through Sezzle.

Frontend Functionality

  • If you have correctly set up Sezzle, you will see Sezzle as a payment method in the checkout page.
  • Select Sezzle and move forward.
  • Once you click Continue to Sezzle or Place Order, you will be redirected to Sezzle Checkout to complete the checkout.
  • In the final page of Sezzle Checkout, check the Approve {Website Name} to process payments from your Sezzle account for future transactions. You may revoke this authorization at any time in your Sezzle Dashboard to tokenize your account. And, then click on Complete Order to complete your purchase.
  • If your account is already tokenized, order will be placed without redirection otherwise you will be redirected to Sezzle Checkout for completing the purchase.
  • On successful order placement, you will be redirected to the order confirmation page.

Capture Payment

  • If Payment Action is set to Authorize and Capture, capture will be performed instantly from the extension after order is created and validated in Magento.
  • If Payment Action is set to Authorize, capture needs to be performed manually from the Magento admin. Follow the below steps to do so.
    • Go the order and click on Invoice.
    • Verify your input in the Create Invoice page and click on Save to create the invoice.
    • This will automatically capture the payment in Sezzle.
    • Payment can also be captured via Magento 2 Invoice API.

Refund Payment

  • Go to Sales > Orders in the Magento admin.
  • Select the order for which you want to refund the payment.
  • Go to Invoices and select the invoice for which you to refund.
  • Click on Credit Memo and verify your input in the Create Credit Memo page.
  • Save it and the refunded will be initiated in Sezzle.
  • In Sezzle Merchant Dashboard, Order Status as Refunded means payment has been fully refunded and Order Status as Partially Refunded means payment has been partially refunded.
  • Payment can also be refunded via Magento 2 Refund API.

Release Payment

  • Go to Sales > Orders in the Magento admin.
  • Select the order for which you want to release the payment.
  • Click on Void and confirm your action.
  • In Sezzle Merchant Dashboard, Order Status as Deleted due to checkout not being captured before expiration means payment has been fully released.
  • Only Full Release is supported from Magento.
  • Payment can also be released via Magento 2 Void API.

Order Verification in Magento Admin

  • Login to Magento admin and navigate to Sales > Orders.
  • Proceed into the corresponding order.
  • If Order Status is Processing and Total Paid is equals to Grand Total, payment is successfully captured by Sezzle.
  • If Order Status is Pending and Total Paid is not equals to Grand Total, payment is authorized but yet not captured.
  • If Order Status is Closed, payment is refunded.
  • If Order Status is Canceled, payment is released.

Order Verification in Sezzle Merchant Dashboard

  • Login to Sezzle Merchant Dashboard and navigate to Orders.
  • Proceed into the corresponding order.
  • Status as Approved means payment is successfully captured by Sezzle.
  • Status as Authorized, uncaptured means payment is authorized but yet not captured.
  • Status as Refunded means payment is refunded.
  • Status as Deleted due to checkout not being captured before expiration means either payment was not captured in time or the payment is released.

Customer Tokenization Details

  • Login to Magento admin and navigate to Customers > All Customers.
  • Go inside a customer for which you want to see the tokenization details.
  • Sezzle tab will appear if the customer is tokenized.
  • Customer UUID, Expiration Date and Status will appear.

Settlement Reports

  • Login to Magento admin and navigate to Reports > Sales > Sezzle Settlement.
  • List of the latest Settlement Reports will be shown.
  • To make a quick sync, enter the From and To Date and click on Sync.
  • Click on Download from the Action column for downloading a Settlement Report.
  • For viewing the details of a particular Settlement Report, click on View from Action column.
  • Settlement Report details can also be downloaded by entering the Settlement Report view.
  • Settlement Report can be downloaded via CSV or Excel and Settlement Report Details will be downloaded via CSV.

How Sandbox works?

  • In the Sezzle configuration page of your Magento admin, enter the Sandbox API Keys from your Sezzle Merchant Sandbox Dashboard and set the Payment Mode to Sandbox, then save the configuration. Make sure you are doing this on your dev/staging website.
  • On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select Sezzle as the payment method.
  • To pay with Sezzle:
    • If customer is not tokenized, click Continue to Sezzle.
    • If customer is tokenized, click Place Order. However, if the customer tokenization is expired, Sezzle will create a new checkout on clicking Place Order.
    • If In-Context checkout, click Pay with Sezzle.
  • For In-Context checkout, the Sezzle checkout will be hosted in the configured mode, iFrame or Popup. Otherwise, you will be redirected to the Sezzle checkout.
  • Sign In or Sign Up to continue.
  • Enter the payment details using test data, then move to final page.
  • Check the Approve {Website Name} to process payments from your Sezzle account for future transactions. You may revoke this authorization at any time in your Sezzle Dashboard to tokenize your account.
  • If your account is already tokenized, order will be placed without redirection otherwise you will be redirected to Sezzle Checkout for completing the purchase.
  • After payment is completed at Sezzle, you will be directed to your site's successful payment page.
  • Sandbox testing is complete. You can login to your Sezzle Merchant Sandbox Dashboard to see the test order you just placed.


  • There is logging enabled by Sezzle for tracing the Sezzle actions.
  • In case merchant is facing issues which is unknown to Merchant Success and Support team, they can ask for this logs and forward to the Platform Integrations team.
  • Name of the log will be sezzlepay.log.It is always recommended to send the system.log and exception.log for better tracing of issues.

Docker Environment Set Up


  • Clone the repo.
  • Execute docker-compose up -d --build to start the Magento server.
  • Server will be up at localhost:8085. If you want to change that, edit the docker-compose.yml.

Install Magento

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process install

Sezzle will be installed alongside.

Sample Data Deploy

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process install-sampledata

Database Upgrade

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process upgrade


docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process compile

Deploy Static Files

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process deploy

Set Developer Mode

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process developer

Cache Clear

docker exec -it sezzle_magento2 process clear

Cleanup Environment

docker-compose down --rmi local -v --remove-orphans