Cookies and Sessions

Store cookies in browser
Store user information in a session cookie
Show how to clear cookies and sessions

What are Cookies and Sessions?

  • Cookies are small snippets of text, used as key-value pairs. Cookies are used to track state in web applications. Example uses include: remembering you as a user so you don't have to log in every time you visit a site, remembering what is in your shopping cart, remembering where you were in the process of completing a form.
  • Sessions are server-side based methods of tracking state. A session can be stored in the client as an encrypted cookie. However, it cannot be manipulated directly from the client, so it is more secure.

Why use cookies and sessions?

Because the HTTP request/response cycle of the Internet is stateless, browsers and servers need help "remembering" what context. Without cookies, sessions, or other methods of passing state, it would be a challenge to let users be "logged-in" or use a shopping cart.

By creating this approximation of "state" in a stateless medium, developers can provide users with a better experience.

Implementing Cookies and Sessions

To use cookies and sessions, we'll need:

  • Express: for building our application and handling requests
  • Middleware:
    • cookie-parser: for reading and writing cookies
    • express-session: for setting sessions and cookies

Here's the plan


  • edit cookies in the browser
  • set them in the server
  • clear them from client
  • show how cookies maintain state
// setting / modifying a cookie in the Dev Tools console
document.cookie = "someKey=someValue";

// setting a cookie in the server
app.get('/cookie', function(req, res) {
  // set value of the cookie with a key of 'ingredient' to be 'vanilla'
  res.cookie("ingredient", 'vanilla');
  // rest of your server side code, for example:

// clearing a cookie in the server
app.get('/no-cookie', function(req, res) {
  // clear the cookie
  res.clearCookie('ingredient', {path: '/'});
  // send back all remaining cookies


  • create session in the server
  • show the session cookie in client
  • show sessions maintaining state


$('#session-form').on('submit', function(e) {
    console.log("submitted session form");
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

    $.post('/session-form', formData, function(response) {
        console.log("server response is: ", response);
        window.location.href = "/forms";


// post info to the session object'/session-form', function(req, res) {
    var sessionForm = req.body;
    console.log("session form data is: ", sessionForm);
    req.session.location = sessionForm.location || "";
    req.session.duration = sessionForm.duration || "";
    // res.redirect('/forms'); // not using b/c redirecting via client
        cookies: res.cookies,
        session: req.session


<!-- redirect / render this form with session info if there is any -->
<form id="session-form">
  <label for="location">Location</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="text" name="location">
  <label for="duration">Duration</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="text" name="duration">
  <input class="form-control btn btn-primary" type="submit">
  <div id="current-session">
    <h2>Server side information:</h2>
    <p>Current session location is: <%= session.location %></p>
    <p>Current session duration is: <%= session.duration %></p>

Stretch: localStorage and sessionStorage

Setting localStorage or sessionStorage values in the browser (or in your client-side Javascript files).

// localStorage
localStorage.setItem('WDI', '23'); // sets a key-value pair in localStorage
localStorage.getItem('WDI'); // "23"
localStorage.removeItem('wdi'); // removes an item from localStorage
localStorage.clear(); // remove all items from localStorage

// sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem('WDI', '23'); // sets a key-value pair in sessionStorage
sessionStorage.getItem('WDI'); // "23"
sessionStorage.removeItem('wdi'); // removes an item from sessionStorage
sessionStorage.clear(); // remove all items from sessionStorage