
What's in the Box?

  1. Node
  2. Express
  3. EJS
  4. Mongoose (MongoDB ODM)
  5. Post model
  6. Angular front-end framework
    • angular-sanitize
    • angular-ui-router
    • angular-resource
    • angular-touch
  7. Other front-end libraries
    • font-awesome
    • bootstrap
    • jquery

Getting Started

  1. $ git clone
  2. $ cd mean-review
  3. $ npm install
  4. $ npm install -g bower
  5. $ bower install
  6. $ mongod
  7. $ nodemon
  8. Navigate to localhost:1337

File structure

 | models - database models
 | node_modules - node modules (added by npm)
 | public - angular assets and angular app
 | routes - routes and controller logic
 | test - protractor tests
 | views - templates
 - .bowerrc - bower config file
 - .gitignore
 - bower.json - define bower package config
 - package.json - npm package config
 - Procfile - necessary for heroku
 - server.js 
