
Follow the tests to build Go Fish in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Go Fish - OO Ruby with Tests

In this lab you will be building a card game using Ruby Classes and Rspec Tests. Our game will include classes for: PlayingCard, CardDeck, HandOfCards, and CardPlayer. By the end of this lab you should be able to simulate a multi-player game of go_fish.


First, make sure you've installed the rspec gem.

From the command line (inside the cloned repo directory) run:

gem install rspec # individually install the rspec gem
# or
bundle install # install all the gems listed in the Gemfile

Next, check that the rspec tests are working (they should be failing!):

# or
rspec spec/1_playing_card_spec.rb
# or, run only test that match your search
rspec spec/2_card_deck_spec.rb -e "shuffle"

Building the Game

Take a look inside go_fish.rb and you'll see some boilerplate code for our classes.

Class Interfaces

Your classes will have the following interfaces (take the time to study these closely):

PlayingCard CardDeck HandOfCards CardPlayer
initialize initialize initialize initialize
rank cards cards hand
suit to_s to_s
face shuffle shuffle
to_s draw draw
draw_one draw_one
push push

Together, these classes and methods will allow us to simulate game play, using the following "Driver Code":


deck = CardDeck.new

card = deck.draw_one
two_cards = deck.draw(2)

cards1 = deck.draw(5)
h1 = HandOfCards.new(cards1)
p1 = CardPlayer.new(hand: h1)

cards2 = deck.draw(5)
h2 = HandOfCards.new(cards2)
p2 = CardPlayer.new(hand: h2 )


wanted_rank = "3"
puts "p1, do you have any... #{wanted_rank}'s?"
if p1.hand.any?(rank: wanted_rank)
    cards = p1.hand.take!(rank: wanted_rank)
    puts "Go Fish"
    drawn_card = deck.draw

Playing Cards

Your first goal will be to build your PlayingCard objects. Here's some raw data for you to copy paste (no jokers!):

RANKS = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
SUITS = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    "AC", "AD", "AH", "AS", "2C", "2D", "2H", "2S", "3C", "3D", "3H", "3S",
    "4C", "4D", "4H", "4S", "5C", "5D", "5H", "5S", "6C", "6D", "6H", "6S",
    "7C", "7D", "7H", "7S", "8C", "8D", "8H", "8S", "9C", "9D", "9H", "9S",
    "10C", "10D", "10H", "10S", "JC", "JD", "JH", "JS", "QC", "QD", "QH", "QS",
    "KC", "KD", "KH", "KS"

Follow the tests to get started!


It's easy to get lost in test output / lose sight of the "big picture". Make sure you understand what your goal is before you dive in!

You can run your game's Driver Code from the command line by typing:

ruby go_fish.rb

Hint: Take a look at the "Drive Code" at the bottom of go_fish.rb!

You can also load your code into Pry to test your assumptions:

> load 'go_fish.rb'
> card = Card.new({...})
> card.face # "AC"