
[angular, directives, api]

Primary LanguageHTML

Weather Directive Solution

This repo is the solution for this lab about building custom directives.


This solution has some pieces that deserve a bit more explanation:

  1. Using the controller and controllerAs attributes in the directive definition object allows us to use the vm syntax we use in other controllers.
var directive = {
  restrict: 'E',
  scope: {
    city: '@'
  replace: true,
  templateUrl: 'templates/weatherCard.html',
  controllerAs: 'weatherCardCtrl',
  controller: weatherCardController
  1. The controller is defined separately and referred to in the directive definition object:
weatherCardController.$inject = ['$http', '$scope'];
function weatherCardController($http, $scope){
  var vm = this;
  var url="http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?mode=json&cnt=7&units=imperial&q=";
  var apikey = "&appid=" + '284c1c2d36e318ea0a389b743d94c747';
  vm.getWeather = function(city){
    console.log(url + city + apikey);
      method: 'GET',
      url: url + city + apikey
        vm.weather = response.data;
      }, function(err){
  1. This solution injects both $http and $scope. Here, $scope is used to access the city variable defined in the directive definition object's scope. In most other cases, the vm syntax is a full replacement for using $scope, but in this case, you need it to access the directive's scope. This was an unanticipated wrinkle that increased the degree of difficulty here.