jQuery Animations

jQuery Animation Overview

  • jQuery packs in two kinds of animations: fading and vertical sliding.
  • These allow you to create simple animations while still enjoying all of the benefits of using JS such as action chaining.
  • jQuery animations using DOM manipulation of the style attribute to create animations.
  • As a result they should be used sparingly for performance reasons.


Fade In:
Fade Out:
Fade Toggle (Back and Forth):


Slide Down (Show the Element):
Slide Up (Hide the Element):
Slide Toggle (Back and Forth):

Custom Animations

  • If none of the built-in animations suit you, jQuery also gives you a way to create your own animations.
  • This function will dynamically alter the style attribute in the HTML document for each property you specify:
}, 600, "swing", function() {
	console.log("I just finished!");