Angular Auth with Satellizer

Background Reading on JWTs:

What is JWT?

When would you use JWT and why? (Pros and cons)

Compare & contrast with cookies and/or sessions

Objective: Implement Angular authentication with Satellizer. Your goal is to have working sign up and log in functionality.

Satellizer Docs

App Setup

  1. Fork and clone this repo

  2. Once you're in your app directory, run npm install to install the required node_modules.

  3. In one Terminal window, run mongod, and in another, run nodemon.

  4. Navigate to localhost:9000 in the browser. You should see an empty page and an angry red error message in the Chrome console.

  5. BEFORE WRITING ANY CODE, open up models/user.js, resources/auth.js, and server.js. Go through these files and look through each code block to see what is already in place for you.

  6. Open up index.hbs and app.js, and see what's in there also.

  7. Add a "dot" file, called .env to the root directory. Add this line to the file:


This is the secret your server will use to encode the JWT token for each user.

  1. Before hooking up the front-end, test your server routes via Postman:
  • Send a GET request to /api/me just going to that route in your browser. You should see the message: "Please make sure your request has an Authorization header."
  • Send a POST request using Postman to localhost:9000/auth/signup with a test email and password. You should see a token that was generated by the server. (You are simulating a form submission, so make sure to use x-www-form-urlencoded and send your data(email and password) in the body of the request).
  • Send a POST request to localhost:9000/auth/login with the email and password you just used to create a new user. You should again see a token that was generated by the server.


  1. Now it's time to implement authentication from the client. First, you need to include Satellizer in your Angular app:
  • Add the Satellizer CDN to index.hbs (TODO #1). <script src=""></script>
  • Add the Satellizer module to your Angular app in app.js (TODO #2).
  • Check that you can navigate between your routes (/, /signup, /login, and /profile).
  1. Follow the instructions to finish implementing Account.login() (TODO #3, #4, #5).

    TODO #3 Hint ``` js $auth.setToken( ```
    TODO #4 Hint ``` js vm.new_user = {} ```
    TODO #5 Hint

    inject $location into your controller

  2. Click the "Log Out" link to logout (TODO #6) and make sure it redirects to /login (TODO #7).

    TODO #6 Hint: ```js return ( $auth .logout() // delete token .then(function() { $auth.removeToken(); self.user = null; }) ) ```
    TODO #7 Hint: add $location into this controller also
  3. Implement the functionality outlined in Account.signup() (TODO #8, #9, #10).

    TODO #8 Hint
    return (
            .then(function(response) {
            // Redirect user here to login page or perhaps some other intermediate page
            // that requires email address verification before any other part of the site can be accessed.
          .catch(function(response) {
            console.log("handling errors?", response);
    TODO #9 Hint

    inject $location into your controller

    vm.new_user = {}
    TODO #10 Hint inject $location into your controller ```js $location.path('/profile') ```
  4. At this point, you should be able to sign up a user, log them in, and view their profile page from the client.

User Settings

  1. Add a username field to the Sign Up form, and add the username attribute to User model (server-side). Sign up a new user with a username (TODO #11 in signup.html, #12 in user.js).

    TODO #11 Hint ```html
  2. On the user profile page, make a form to edit the user's details. The form should initially be hidden, and when the user clicks a button or link to "Edit Profile", the form should show (Hint: ng-show) (TODO #13).

  3. When the user submits the form, it should call a function in the ProfileCtrl (Hint: ng-submit). The function should send an $http.put request to /api/me. Verify that this works. (TODO #14)

  4. Bonus: Decouple the edit form from the user's other details. For instance, when I type into the edit form it shouldn't instantly change my email or my username, but it should still change those values on (a successful) submit!

Nested Resources: Posts (TODO #15)

No more TODOs! You're on your own from here on out!

  1. Create a form on the homepage for the user to add a blog-post (that's right - you're turning your Angular app into a microblog). The blog-post form should have input (title) and textarea (content) fields. Hint: Use ng-model.

  2. Only show the form if there is a currentUser logged in.

  3. Use the ng-submit directive to run a function called createPost when the user submits the form.

  4. createPost should make an $ request to /api/posts (which isn't defined on the server yet!) with the object.

  5. The next step is to implement posts on the server. First, create a Mongoose model Post (models/post.js).

  6. A user should have many posts, so add an attribute to the User model called posts that references the Post model:

 * models/user.js

 var userSchema = new Schema({
   posts: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }]
  1. In server.js, define two new API routes:
  • GET /api/posts should retrieve all the posts from the database.
  • POST /api/posts should create a new post that belongs to the current user (Hint: Use the auth.ensureAuthenticated function in the route to find the current user).
  1. Refresh localhost:9000 in the browser. Make sure you have a user logged in, and try to create a new post. Check the Chrome developer tools to make sure it's working.

Finishing Touches

  1. Validate blog-posts! Ensure a user can't submit an empty title or content. (Use both backend AND frontend validations).

  2. On the user's profile page, display the number of posts the user has written. Hint: You'll need to add .populate('posts') to your GET /api/me route in server.js.

  3. On the user profile page, the "Joined" date isn't formatted very nicely. Use Angular's built-in date filter to display the date in this format: January 25, 2016.