GitHub Project 1 Issues Lab

Creating an Issue on your Fellow Developers Project 1 game

Today you will be practicing fixing more GitHub issues. You will be reviewing two of your peers code and submitting two issues on each one of their Project 1 repos.

This weekend you will solve these issues.



  • Go to WDI-29's page on Garnet

  • The two people below your name on the roster will be the people who's code you will review and submit issues on. (If you are one of the bottom two people on the list, just wrap around so the first two people get reviewed also.)

  • For each of these two developers' code do the following:

    1. Clone their repo (you do not need to fork it, because you will not need to push to it.)
    2. Open the index.html file in your browser or go to their game's hosted site online and play the game for a few minutes. Think about
    • Are there any bugs?
    • Are there any relatively simple features that could be added to make the experience better? ( A scoreboard is simple enough. Playing someone over the internet would be to complex for now....)
    1. Spend at least 5 minutes looking at their code. Think about
    • Do you see any bad practices? (for example inline CSS or JS, generically named variables like var a =)
    1. Take a look at the Issues page on Garnet's GitHub repo for some examples of how to name issues.
    2. Use your new skills to submit at least 2 (but no more than four) issues.


The four issues you submit on your two fellow developers repos ARE your deliverable.

This Weekends Assignment

Make Your Project 1 Games Portfolio Worthy!

This weekend you will do the following things to make this game worthy of your Portfolio!

  1. Refactor your game into OOP if you haven't already done it.
  2. Solve at least two the issues on your repo. But as many as you reasonably can. Read up on how to solve an issue and close it with a simple commit message
  3. Put some extra work into the design of your game. Make it beautiful! Make it modern! Add bootstrap if you like! Add some animations! Go nuts.
  4. Host your site on GitHub Pages. It's easy! Check the docs here

Your result will be a beautiful, functional Browser game using the sophisticated object oriented pattern that employers usually want their developers to know! And to think it's only the end of Week 3!

Additional Resources

Self Evaluation

During the previous exercise, rate your progress on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest) for the following criteria:

  • Persistence: Do you handle frustration well? Do you independently pursue understanding?
  • Organization: Do you thoughtfully implement best coding patterns and practices?
  • Collaboration: Do you make an effort solve problems and share your ideas with others?
  • Communication: Do you clearly convey your thoughts to others in illustrative and clear ways?
  • Self-compassion: Do you make productive use of turning failures into learning opportunities?
  • Resourcefulness: Do make an effort to compare and contrast new ideas with ones you already know?