
PSX Doom Fire effect implemented on Python using Kivy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PSX Doom Fire effect implemented on Python using Kivy

This code displays a fire animation effect by manipulating pixel colors, based on original PSX Doom implementation.


2019-03-08 13_09_18-doomfire

After implementing the same algorithm on Qt I've came across the Kivy framework and give it a try. The Doom Fire effect seemed to be the perfect fit for this initial test.

This code is based on the article from: https://github.com/fabiensanglard/DoomFirePSX/blob/master/flames.html

It uses Kivy framework: https://kivy.org/

kivy also needs some dependencies installed, follow instruction on kivy site to setup the environment.

(i'm doing this on Windows, but Linux users should know better ;) Step by step environment config, assuming you have python already installed and the according C build environment related to the python version, see:


  • Open a command line of the at the project folder.
  • Run python (i'm calling the complete path of the python.exe, but if you have it on path, just call python) with the following command to create a virtual env.:

C:\DoomFirePy\>c:\Python34\python.exe -m venv .\venv

  • Next step is to activate this venv


  • The prompt should change to something like this:

(venv) C:\DoomFirePy\>

  • Now from this environment call pip installer to use the requirements.txt and install the dependencies.:

(venv) C:\DoomFirePy>pip install -r requirements.txt

  • At last execute the project from using the venv:

(venv) C:\DoomFirePy>python doom_fire.py

  • ...and you should see this window:


MIT license