#eFarmony Data Structures: Arrays as Collections

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In this section we will review arrays and learn how to create a collection of animal objects.

You will be placing all your code into the scripts.js file.

Create an array:

  • Create a variable called noiseArray and assign it to an array literal. Place at least one element in the array.

Using a native array method

  • Add a noise to the beginning of the noiseArray.
  • Add another noise to the end of the noiseArray.

Using Bracket Notation…

  • Add another noise to the end.

Inspect the noiseArray:

  • What is the length?
  • What is the last index? How is it different than the length?
  • Inspect your handiwork! What does it look like?

Nest the array in the object:

  • Put the noiseArray inside the animal object on the noises property. Your result should look like this:

    { username: 'DaffyDuck', tagline: 'Yippeee!', noises: ['quack', 'honk', 'sneeze'] }

  • Congrats! You just made a nested data structure :)


Let's go over some concepts:

  • What are the different ways you can add properties and values to arrays?
  • Come up with two ways you can add an element to the end of an array, without knowing the exact length of the array.

Animal Collection

A collection is an array of objects.

  • Create a variable called animals and set it equal to an empty array.
    • Note that this variable is animals (plural) while the variable in the Animal User Model of the Object Exercises is animal (singular).
  • Using any method you prefer, add your animal from the Object Exercises to the animals array.
  • Create a variable called quackers and assign it to this example object:
    • { username: 'DaffyDuck', tagline: 'Yippeee!', noises: ['quack', 'honk', 'sneeze', 'growl'] }
  • Add quackers to the animals array using a different method than before.
  • Inspect your animals array to ensure you have two objects inside.
  • Create two more animal objects and add them to your animals array. They should have these properties and your choice of values:
    • username (with a string value)
    • tagline (with a string value)
    • noises (with an array of values)
  • Check the length property of your array. It should give you 4.