
Code for "On the Surprising Efficacy of Distillation as an Alternative to Pre-Training Small Models"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DAPT: Distillation as an Alternative to Pre-Training

This repo contains the original Pytorch implementation of the following paper:

On the Surprising Efficacy of Distillation as an Alternative to Pre-Training Small Models
Sean Farhat, Deming Chen
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

which will appear at the 5th Practical ML for Low Resource Settings (PML4LRS) Workshop at ICLR 2024.

Step 0: Setting Paths

Go into paths.json and edit the paths to point to where you'd like the datasets (data_path, syn_data_path) and checkpoints (cpt_path) to be saved and loaded.

Step 1: Obtaining the Desired Teachers

To obtain the desired teachers, we must first train them on the task of interest. This can be achieved via 3 methods, depending on how we wish for the teacher to learn.

  • Scratch (FR): The network is randomly initialized and fully trained on the task end-to-end.
  • Linear Probed (LP): The network is initialized with a feature backbone pre-trained on ImageNet. Then, only it's task-specific head is trained on the task.
  • Full Finetuning (FT): The network is initialized with a feature backbone pre-trained on ImageNet. Then, it is fully trained on the task end-to-end. It's task-specific head uses a higher learning rate than the body.

Note: For our experiments, we take the ImageNet pre-trained weights from Pytorch's model hub.

To create these teachers, edit and use the appropriate scripts/train_(fr|lp|ft).sh scripts.

All possible command line arguments can be found by running python train_(fr|lp|ft).py --help.

These will create and save the best and last model checkpoints in <data_path>/<model>_<fr|lp|ft>_<optimizer>

Step 2a: Distill

Edit and run scripts/distill.sh. In this script, we have several options to control the assistance process.

  • --dataset chooses the task. Options: cifar100, cifar10, mit_indoor, cub_2011, caltech101, dtd
  • --teacher_model chooses which teacher model we use. Step 1 must be completed for this script to find the desired model. Options: resnet50, vit-b-16
  • --teacher_init chooses the initialization of the teacher. Options: fr, lp, ft
  • --student_model chooses the student model which is initialized randomly. Options: mobilenetv2 or resnet18
  • --distill chooses the distillation algorithm. Options: align_uniform, crd, kd, srrl

All possible command line arguments can be found by running python distill.py --help.

Step 2b: Synthetic Distill

First, we have to generate the synthetic data. To do this, edit and run scripts/generate.sh. This will save the synthetic data in the syn_data_path from paths.json.

Then, edit and run scripts/gen_distill.sh. It works similar to distill.sh, with the addition of the following options:

All possible command line arguments can be found by running python generated_distill.py --help.

  • --synset_size chooses how much of the synthetic dataset we wish to use as a fraction of the training set size. Options: 1x, 2x (Note: enough synthetic images must be generated for these to work correctly.)
  • --aug enables image augmentations
  • --aug_mode chooses whether to apply a Singular or Multiple augmentations. Options: S, M


Weights and Biases (wandb) integration is included for all scripts above. Assuming you have wandb set up on your machine, simply add the --logging flag to each script.


We have included a convenient --timing flag for all scripts that will run the task for one epoch and report how long it took.


      title={On the Surprising Efficacy of Distillation as an Alternative to Pre-Training Small Models}, 
      author={Sean Farhat and Deming Chen},