
Real estate Website built with MERN Stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Is a fullstack MERN application built to do real-estate.


  • Redux and Multiple Reducers
  • Moment
  • React-Router
  • Protected Routes, Admin Routes and normal routes
  • Axios to make async network calls and Redux-thunk for asynchronous actions
  • Sending multipart form-data to server
  • Tailwindcss for UI-Components


  • Express
  • Mongoose and MongoDB
  • URL query params for search and filtering product data
  • 🔥 Multer to handle multipart-form data from client and store images to MongoDB
  • MVC architecture
  • Send different queryObject to mongoose and filter By Category, Price and Search for products
  • JWT authetication, Role based operations for not registered, registered and Admin