
Configuration of the suckless window manager, dwm

Primary LanguageC

dwm 5.8.2-2 patched with the following patches from suckless.org:
    - attachaside
    - pertag
    - bstack
    - ICCM take focus
    - uselessgap
    - pango

I have added the following code to dwm (the first is from the ML, and the other two are from suckless.org):
    - focusmaster 
    - tilemovemouse (updated to work with dwm > 5.5)
    - push  

I have also combined fancybar (from suckless.org) and the code that makes the fancybar clickable from the fancycoloredclickablebar patch (also from suckless.org), to make a new patch, fancyclickablebar. I did this because I found the fancycoloredclickablebar code too complicated for my purposes, and it was easier to patch fancybar to work with my setup, and add in the clickable functionality.

Then I've changed some program rules, tag names, keybindings, and mouse bindings. My setup is optimized for using dwm with my convertible tablet PC, hence why I've bothered with some of the mouse-related code like tilemovemouse.  

I've also supplied my PKGBUILD (for use with ArchLinux).

In the patches folder are patches I'm not currently using, but I might use later, or dwm code that I find interesting.