
2-player networked tetris with weapons!

Primary LanguageJava

BattleTris is a 2-player, networked, competitive Tetris originally conceived and programmed by Mike Shapiro and Brian Cantrill at Brown University as a final project for CS32 the Softwware Engineering class.

It quickly became a popular respite for CS folks, who soon were filling the ranks of the department high-score list.

If it ever found it's way outside of the department, I could never find it. About 3 years ago I remembered how much fun it was and decided that if I could find some of the details (of the visuals and weapons), I would attempt to recreate it in Java and make it playable over the Web.

After working for some time to build it, I contacted the original creators asking their permission to make it freely available to the world, and started this group.

Due to some technical issues and Life Being Busy, I paused work on it about 2 years ago, only to restart progress May 2008.

I would like to tentatively say the release date for Beta is end of June 2008, but you know how software can go...

So please help me to test this game! It's fun, quick, and great for just taking a break.
