Adafruit sht31-d for Raspberry PI

Referance material

Enable i2c on the PI in the usual way

  • Run raspi-confid -> select enable i2c

    -- or --

  • This is for raspbian jessie, wheezy is different.

  • edit /etc/modules and add

    • i2c-bcm2708
    • ic2-dev
  • edit /boot/config and add

    • dtparam=i2c_arm=on
    • dtparam=i2c1_baudrate=100000 <- This is default, remove 1 zero for this sht31 implimentation to work.


This sh131 implimentation depends on i2c dev lib

  • sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev

Below is also a good one to have while debugging, but be careful i2cdump from the below cause the sht31 interface to become unstable for me and requires a hard-reset to recover correctly.

  • sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

on PI make sure below 2 commands are in /boot/config.txt

  • dtparam=i2c_arm=on
  • dtparam=i2c1_baudrate=10000

I know we are slowing down the baurate from optimal, but it seems to be the most stable setting in my testing. add another 0 to the above baudrate for max setting, ie dtparam=i2c1_baudrate=100000