
Pool Light Dimmer Web UI Confusing

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Using lightMode=6 and a dimmer requires an extra step to turn on a light. You have to long press the tile to get the popup. This presents a user with set of dim settings and a runtime slider below that defaults to 0 minutes.

The light tile/button won't work in the default state unless the user manually moves the slider beyond 0 seconds. This is suboptimal from a UI perspective. If you just want to turn on the light to 50%, you are forced to also pick a duration.

This also doesn't translate well if you are using home bridge to link to apple HomeKit. Switches don't normally have their own timers. You use automation for that.

I've been away for a few weeks and was not able to test this. But I just been able to and can't replicate the problem. Can you please post your /etc/aqualinkd.conf file and browser version you are using.

Short press turns light on or off.
Long press brings up options where :-

  • Toggle on/off works to turn on / off
  • Select % will turn on and select %
  • Timer will set timer.
    In any of the above, you do need to select "close" before AqualinkD will program the light to any settings you have selected.

ie, You do NOT need to select a duration to turn light on.

Homekit does not support associated timers on lights, so this functionality only works in WebUI / MQTT / Automation hub.


Attached aqualinkd.conf. I had to rename the extension to txt to upload it.

Using Safari Version 16.6 (18615. I also tested with Chrome Version 116.0.5845.110 (Official Build) (x86_64).

Short click causes the Pool Light tile to light up momentarily and then after 2 seconds it turns back off. The lights never come on.

Long press brings up the selection dialog. Selecting a percentage causes the on/off to toggle and the light turns on at the appropriate dim setting. You don't have to move the timer past zero (I was incorrect in my original post).

If you then try a short press when it is off, it will revert to the original behavior. Tile turns on, no lights, then tile turns off.

Based on the fact that the timer is not required to be > 0 with long press means that HomeKit could be supported without timer functionality. If commands came through the home bridge plugin, then timer would always just be zero and it would work as expected.