
A simple java quarkus project template

Primary LanguageJava

quarkus-playground project

This project uses Quarkus, https://quarkus.io/, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.

The project started as a playground but it turned into a quarkus project template which can be used for microservices.

Included Features:

  • environment specific configs (dev,test,prod)
  • structured logging in json for production, human readable logs for DEV and TEST
  • enabled metrics for Prometheus
  • Request/Response Filter for Prometheus metrics with request count and duration
  • Health and Readiness checks
  • database PostgreSQL configuration with flyway migrations
  • JPA/Hibernate Entities with quarkus-panache
  • simple REST CRUD API
  • REST ExceptionMapper with Json Error object
  • simple generated REST client
  • Tests with @QuarkusTest
  • Unit Tests with injected Mocks or with fake implementation for database
  • IT tests with real database
  • integrated openapi generation
  • integrated json request body validation
  • autoformatting with google-java-format, a pre-commit hook can be found under githooks/pre-commit
  • linting with errorprone, NullAway, checkstyle and infer
  • secured endpoints with JWT validation (with public/private key generation example, see below)

Start development

Setup PostreSQL database

Install a Postgres from scratch on your favorite Operating System. For MacOS there is Postgres.app. In Linux you can use your package manager, e.g. for Ubuntu sudo apt-get install postresql -y. Or if you do not want to install a database on your local machine you could use the official Postgres Docker image.

The application-specific database setup is done with flyway but before flyway can run, you need to create a application-specific user and corresponding databases for DEV and TEST environments.

# !!!precondition:
# you have an existing superuser "postgres" (it's the default user)

# create user "quarkus" with password "quarkus"
psql -U postgres -f scripts/sql/create-user.sql

# create dbs (quarkusdb and quarkusdb_test) with permissions for "quarkus" user
psql -U postgres -f scripts/sql/create-db.sql

(Optional) Install Infer Static Analyzer

Infer is a modern static analyzer tool for Java/C/C++/Objective-C. See installation steps: https://fbinfer.com/docs/getting-started

# Precondition: install infer first!

# run infer directly, clean is mandatory
mvn clean
infer run -- mvn compile

# or use Makefile
make infer


A Makefile contains the most used commands:

# build project
# includes checkstyle, errorprone, NullAway and formats code automatically
# does not run tests

# run DEV server with hot-reload
make dev

# run unit tests
make test

# run IT tests
make test-int

# run all tests
make test-all

# run a single unit test
mvn test -Dtest=UserResourceMockTest

# run a single IT test
mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=UserResourceIT

# build production jars
make jar

# run production jar
make run-jar

# create docker image
make docker-build

# push docker image
make docker-push

# clean target/ folder
make clean

# flyway for DEV
make flyway-migrate
make flyway-clean

# flyway for TEST
make flyway-migrate-test
make flyway-clean-test

# format code
make format

# run checkstyle only
make checkstyle

# list all dependencies
make deps

Generate valid public/private key for jwt signing/verifying

# generate private key (PKCS#1 format, header start with "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY")
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -pubout

# generate public key from private key
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out publicKey.pem

# make private key java compatible (PKCS#8 format, header starts with "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY")
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -in privateKey.pem -out private_key.pem -nocrypt

Example requests

# start the server in dev-mode
make dev

# GET /hello
curl -v http://localhost:8080/hello

# GET /health
curl  http://localhost:8080/health

# if responses are json you can pipe them through jq
curl  http://localhost:8080/health | jq

# get JWT
curl -v http://localhost:8080/secured/token

# copy the token and store it in a variable

# use token to access secured endpoint
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" http://localhost:8080/secured/roles-allowed

# access secured resource without token, results in 401 Unauthorized
curl -v http://localhost:8080/secured/roles-allowed