GtkGLArea 2.0.2 =============== GtkGLArea is an OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit. Just as GTK+ is build on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of gdkgl which is basically wrapper around GLX functions. The widget itself is derived from GtkDrawinigArea widget and adds only few extra functions. Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render on any widget that has OpenGL capable visual, rendering to off-screen pixmaps is also supported. Related project which may iterest those who use GTK-- is GtkGLArea--. It is a C++ wrapper for gtkglarea written by Karl Nelson <>. Installation ------------ You need GTK+ and either OpenGL or Mesa, if you have both you can choose which one to use by giving --with-lib-GL or --with-lib-MesaGL option to configure. Run './configure --help' to see all options you may give at configuration stage. Run './configure' and 'make' to build. You may now test programs in examples directory. Run 'make install' to install. Include files go to PREFIX/include/gtkgl/ Library files go to PREFIX/lib/ Win32 ----- There is now a working windows port. There are old hand-written makefiles (makefile.mingw) but those are out-of-date. Autoconfigurated build should work OK. If you cannot get it to work, the makefile.mingw files should be pretty straightforward to modify. Prebuilt Win32 packages of GLib 2.0 and GTK+ 2.0 can be downloaded from Also a prebuilt GtkGLArea package might eventually be available from there. OpenlGL headers are also needed, either use those from the PlatformSDK (freely downloadable from Microsoft, even if you have to use a complex installer program, and it's hard to decide which of the zillion optional parts you actually want to get these headers), or grab from or alternatively you may use from Unzip these packages to some directory. The Inner workings of win32 gtkglarea is quite different form glx version, therefore you should only use GtkGLArea widget (gtk_gl_*) functions, no gdk_gl_* functions. You may also build gtkgl on MinGW. The trick(s) I ended up having to do were many: * run ./ from cygwin - for some reason mingw's auto* don't work * copy the gtk dist to /target - for some reason, the .pc files refer to this * be sure to install the w32api mingw package * explicitly set LDFLAGS, PKG_CONFIG_PATH, and explicitly declare where opengl32 is located when running ./configure, thus: LDFLAGS=-L/c/GTK/2.8/lib \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/c/GTK/2.8/lib/pkgconfig/ \ ./configure --prefix=/mingw \ --with-GL-prefix=/mingw \ --with-lib-opengl32 Documentation ------------- Documentation is slightly out of date, sorry. docs/gtkglarea.txt documents GtkGLArea widget (needs updating) docs/gtkgl.txt documents gtk_gl_* functions (needs updating) docs/HOWTO.txt good advice Links ----- GtkGLArea home page Gtk-- wrapper Todo ---- - rewrite documentation in texinfo format - weed out bugs from autoconfigure scripts - overlays - add more functionality to windows port --- Trademarks are owned by trademark owners.