Sensirion's Gas Index Algorithm software provides a VOC and an NOx Index output signal calculated from the SGP40/41 raw
signal inputs SRAW_VOC
. Note: for SGP40, only SRAW_VOC
is available. This algorithm enables robust detection of
ambient changes of VOCs and NOx with minimal sensor-to-sensor variation. The algorithm is based on a statistical gain-offset
normalization and adapts both parameters constantly applying an exponentially decaying function of the learned parameters to
be able to adapt to changing environments.
For the VOC Index output, the software must be instanced as VOC Algorithm while for the NOx Index output, the software must
be instanced as NOx Algorithm. It is important to feed the raw signals to the corresponding algorithm (i.e., SRAW_VOC
to the
VOC Algorithm and SRAW_NOX
to the NOx Algorithm) at a constant sampling interval which must coincide with the sampling
interval that is used to read out the raw signals from the SGP40/41 sensor. The default sampling interval applied in the
algorithm is 1 s. In case, a different sampling interval should be used the definition of the sampling interval in the h.file
of the algorithm must be changed, too.
The algorithm calculates the VOC and NOx Index signals recursively from a single raw tick value of SRAW_VOC
respectively, which are both measured by the SGP40/41 sensor at each time step, as well as internal states that are updated
at each time step. These internal states are most importantly the recursively estimated mean and variance of the
corresponding SRAW
signal as well as some additional internal states such as uptime and other counters. After estimating the
states, the algorithm converts the raw signals in ticks into either VOC or NOx Index, respectively, and applies an adaptive
low-pass filter.
To install, download the latest release as .zip file and add it to your Arduino IDE via
Sketch => Include Library => Add .ZIP Library...
The dependency to the Sensirion I2C drivers are only needed to run the example, which uses a SGP41 and a SHT4x sensor.
The example measures VOC and NOx ticks with a SGP41 sensor using a SHT4x to compensate temperature and humidity. The raw VOC and NOx measurement signals are then processed with the gas index algorithm to get VOC Index and NOx Index values.
For more details about the sensors and breakout boards check out
Install the driver dependencies listed above the same way as you installed this library (via
Add .ZIP Library
) -
Connect a SGP41 and SHT4x Sensor over I2C to your Arduino
Open the
sample project within the Arduino IDEFile => Examples => Sensirion Gas Index Algorithm => exampleUsage
Click the
button in the Arduino IDE orSketch => Upload
When the upload process has finished, open the
Serial Monitor
orSerial Plotter
via theTools
menu to observe the measurement values and calculated Gas Index value. Note that theBaud Rate
in the corresponding window has to be set to115200 baud
Contributions are welcome!
We develop and test this algorithm using our company internal tools (version control, continuous integration, code review etc.) and automatically synchronize the master branch with GitHub. But this doesn't mean that we don't respond to issues or don't accept pull requests on GitHub. In fact, you're very welcome to open issues or create pull requests :)
This Sensirion library uses
to standardize the
formatting of all our .cpp
and .h
files. Make sure your contributions are
formatted accordingly:
The -i
flag will apply the format changes to the files listed.
clang-format -i src/*.cpp src/*.h
Note that differences from this formatting will result in a failed build until they are fixed.