
Raspberry Pi OS Kernel module for Exo Sense Pi

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Exo Sense Pi kernel module

Raspberry Pi OS Kernel module for Exo Sense Pi - the multi-sensor module based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4.

Compile and Install

Make sure your system is updated:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

If you are using a 32-bit OS, add to /boot/firmware/config.txt (/boot/config.txt in older versions) the following line: [why?]



sudo reboot

After reboot, install git and the Raspberry Pi kernel headers:

sudo apt install git raspberrypi-kernel-headers

Clone this repo:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/sfera-labs/exo-sense-pi-kernel-module.git

Make and install:

cd exo-sense-pi-kernel-module
make clean
sudo make install

Compile the Device Tree and install it:

dtc -@ -Hepapr -I dts -O dtb -o exosensepi.dtbo exosensepi.dts
sudo cp exosensepi.dtbo /boot/overlays/

Add to /boot/firmware/config.txt (/boot/config.txt in older versions) the following line:


If you want to use TTL1 as 1-Wire bus, add this line too:


Optionally, to be able to use the /sys/class/exosensepi/ files not as super user, create a new group "exosensepi" and set it as the module owner group by adding an udev rule:

sudo groupadd exosensepi
sudo cp 99-exosensepi.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

and add your user to the group, e.g. for user "pi":

sudo usermod -a -G exosensepi pi

Install the calibration script and service:

sudo cp exosensepi-calibrate.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo cp exosensepi-calibrate.py /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/exosensepi-calibrate.py

To use the sound level evaluation functionalities, install the soundEval utility:

sh install-snd-eval.sh

This script will install 2 required libraries for the soundEval utility: libasound2-dev (version >=1.1.8-1+rpt1 required) and libfftw3-dev (version >=3.3.8-2 required).

Finally, reboot:

sudo reboot


Exo Sense Pi produces internal heat that influences its sensors readings. To compensate, the kernel module applies a transformation to the values reported by the temperature sensor based on calibration parameters computed by the procedure described below.
The compensated temperature values are, in turn, used to adjust humidity and VOC values.

To perform the calibration procedure, enable the exosensepi-calibrate service:

sudo systemctl enable exosensepi-calibrate

Shut down (sudo shutdown now) the Pi and remove power. Wait for the module to cool off (about 1 hour) and power it back on.

The calibration procedure will start automatically. You will hear a short beep when it starts and the blue LED will blink while running.

The process should finish in about 30 minutes, but could run for up to 80 minutes. When it completes you will hear 3 short beeps and the blue LED will be steady on. The calibration service gets automatically disabled after completion so it won't run again on the next boot.

You will find the computed calibration parameters temp_calib_m and temp_calib_b set in /etc/modprobe.d/exosensepi.conf:

options exosensepi temp_calib_m=<M> temp_calib_b=<B>

Reboot Exo Sense Pi to have the module reload and apply the calibration parameters.


After installing the module, you will find all the available devices under the directory /sys/class/exosensepi/.

The following paragraphs list all the possible devices (directories) and files coresponding to Exo Sense Pi's features.

You can read and/or write to these files to configure, monitor and control your Exo Sense Pi.

LED - /sys/class/exosensepi/led/

File R/W Value Description
status R/W 0 LED off
status R/W 1 LED on
status W F Flip LED's state
blink W t LED on for t ms
blink W ton toff rep LED blink rep times with ton/toff ms periods. E.g. "200 50 3"

Digital Inputs - /sys/class/exosensepi/digital_in/

File R/W Value Description
diN R 1 Digital input N high
diN R 0 Digital input N low

For each digital input, we also expose:

  • the debounced state
  • 2 debounce times in ms ("on" for high state and "off" for low state) with default value of 50ms
  • 2 state counters ("on" for high state and "off" for low state)

The debounce times for each DI has been splitted in "on" and "off" in order to make the debounce feature more versatile and suited for particular application needs (e.g. if we consider digital input 1, and set its debounce "on" time to 50ms and its debounce "off" time to 0ms, we just created a delay-on type control for digital input 1 with delay-on time equal to 50ms).
Change in value of a debounce time automatically resets both counters.
The debounce state of each digital input at system start is UNDEFINED (-1), because if the signal on the specific channel cannot remain stable for a period of time greater than the ones defined as debounce "on" and "off" times, we are not able to provide a valid result.

File R/W Value Description
diN_deb(pollable) R 1 Digital input N debounced value high
diN_deb(pollable) R 0 Digital input N debounced value low
diN_deb(pollable) R -1 Digital input N debounced value undefined
diN_deb_on_ms RW val Minimum stable time in ms to trigger change of the debounced value of digital input N to high state. Default value=50
diN_deb_off_ms RW val Minimum stable time in ms to trigger change of the debounced value of digital input N to low state. Default value=50
diN_deb_on_cnt R val Number of times with the debounced value of the digital input N in high state. Rolls back to 0 after 4294967295
diN_deb_off_cnt R val Number of times with the debounced value of the digital input N in low state. Rolls back to 0 after 4294967295

Digital Output - /sys/class/exosensepi/digital_out/

File R/W Value Description
do1 R/W 0 Digital output 1 open
do1 R/W 1 Digital output 1 closed
do1 W F Flip digital output 1's state

Digital I/O TTLx - /sys/class/exosensepi/digital_io/

File R/W Value Description
ttlN_mode R/W x TTL N (1 - 2) line not controlled by kernel module
ttlN_mode R/W in TTL N (1 - 2) line set as input
ttlN_mode R/W out TTL N (1 - 2) line set as output
ttlN R(/W) 0 TTL N (1 - 2) line low. Writable only in output mode
ttlN R(/W) 1 TTL N (1 - 2) line high. Writable only in output mode

Temperature, Humidity, Air quality - /sys/class/exosensepi/tha/

File R/W Value Description
temp_rh R s t tCal rh rhCal Temperature and humidity values. s represents an internal temperature variation factor; calibrated values are more reliable when s is stable between subsequent readings. t is the raw temperature (°C/100); tCal is the calibrated temperature (°C/100); rh is the raw relative humidity (%/100); rhCal is the calibrated relative humidity (%/100)
temp_rh_voc R s t tCal rh rhCal voc vocIdx Temperature, humidity and air quality values. s, t, tCal, rh, rhCal are as above; voc is the raw value from the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) sensor; vocIdx is the VOC index which represents an air quality value on a scale from 0 to 500 where a lower value represents cleaner air and a value of 100 represent the typical air composition over the past 24h. To have reliable VOC index values, read this file continuously with intervals of 1 second
temp_offset R/W val Temperature offset (°C/100, positive or negative) to be added for the computation of the above calibrated values to conpensate for external factors that might influence Exo Sense Pi

System Temperature - /sys/class/exosensepi/sys_temp/

File R/W Value Description
t1 R val Temperature value from sensor T1 (°C/100)
t2 R val Temperature value from sensor T2 (°C/100)

PIR motion detection - /sys/class/exosensepi/pir/

File R/W Value Description
status(pollable) R 0 PIR sensor at rest
status(pollable) R 1 PIR sensor detecting motion
cnt R/W val val is a counter that indicates the number of times the status of the PIR sensor changes from 0 to 1. In write mode, only the value 0 is permitted as input value, for reset purpose. Rolls back to 0 after 4294967295

Light intensity - /sys/class/exosensepi/lux/

File R/W Value Description
lux R val Light intensity (lx/100)


The buzzer can be controlled via simple ON/OFF commands or via PWM to produce tones variations.

ON/OFF - /sys/class/exosensepi/buzzer/

File R/W Value Description
status R/W 0 Buzzer off
status R/W 1 Buzzer on
status W F Flip buzzer's state
beep W t Buzzer on for t ms
beep W ton toff rep Buzzer beep rep times with ton/toff ms periods. E.g. "200 50 3"

PWM control

To set up PWM control write 1 to /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export, e.g.:

sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export

Once set, use /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm1/period and /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm1/duty_cycle to set period and duty-cycle values (in nanoseconds).

Activate/deactivate the buzzer by writing 1/0 to /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm1/enable. You can modify period and duty-cycle values while the buzzer is active.

Wiegand - /sys/class/exosensepi/wiegand/

You can use the TTL lines as a Wiegand interface for a keypad or card reader. Connect TTL1/TTL2 respctively to the D0/D1 lines of the Wiegand device.

File R/W Value Description
enabled R/W 0 Wiegand interface disabled
enabled R/W 1 Wiegand interface enabled
data(pollable) R ts bits data Latest data read. The first number (ts) represents an internal timestamp of the received data, it shall be used only to discern newly available data from the previous one. bits reports the number of bits received (max 64). data is the sequence of bits received represnted as unsigned integer

The following properties can be used to improve noise detection and filtering. The noise property reports the latest event and is reset to 0 after being read.

File R/W Value Description
pulse_width_max R/W val Maximum bit pulse width accepted, in µs
pulse_width_min R/W val Minimum bit pulse width accepted, in µs
pulse_itvl_max R/W val Maximum interval between pulses accepted, in µs
pulse_itvl_min R/W val Minimum interval between pulses accepted, in µs
noise R 0 No noise
noise R 10 Fast pulses on lines
noise R 11 Pulses interval too short
noise R 12/13 Concurrent movement on both D0/D1 lines
noise R 14 Pulse too short
noise R 15 Pulse too long

Secure Element - /sys/class/exosensepi/sec_elem/

File R/W Value Description
serial_num R 9 1-byte HEX values Secure element serial number


If 1-wire is configured, you will find the list of connected 1-Wire sensors' IDs in /sys/bus/w1/devices/ with format 28-XXXXXXXXXXXX. To get the measured temperature (in °C/1000) read the file temperature under the sensor's directory, e.g.:

$ cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-XXXXXXXXXXXX/temperature 


The I2S MEMS microphone can be used with the standard ALSA drivers.

Run arecord -l to check the microphone is available:

$ arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: exosensepimic [exosensepi-mic], device 0: bcm2835-i2s-ics43432-hifi ics43432-hifi-0 [bcm2835-i2s-ics43432-hifi ics43432-hifi-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Record a WAV audio file (stop with Ctrl + C):

arecord -D plughw:0 -c1 -r 48000 -f S32_LE -t wav -V mono -v rec.wav

You may need to change the number after plughw: depending on the card number returned by arecord -l (e.g. plughw:1).

You can add software volume control with alsamixer; to this end, copy the asoundrc file from this repo to ~/.asoundrc:

cp asoundrc ~/.asoundrc

Run arecord -L and check that dmic_hw and dmic_sv are listed.

Then run arecord once with dmic_sv as device and stop it (Ctrl + C):

arecord -D dmic_sv -c2 -r 44100 -f S32_LE -t wav -V mono -v rec-vol.wav

Now run alsamixer, press F6 to open the sound card selector, and select exosensepi-mic.
Press F4 to select the "Capture" view , adjust the volume with the up/down arrow keys and press Esc to save and exit.

You can now record from the dmic_sv device with adjusted volume.

SoundEval - Sound Level Evaluation Utility

The soundEval utility is capable of providing the results of different classes of sound level meters (LEQ = Equivalent Continuous Sound Level), such as:

 - LAEQ,F = Equiv. contin. sound level with fast time weighting and A frequency weighting
            (time weighting = fast 125ms, A-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(A))
 - LAEQ,S = Equiv. contin. sound level with slow time weighting and A frequency weighting
            (time weighting = slow 1000ms, A-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(A))
 - LAEQ,I = Equiv. contin. sound level with impulse time weighting and A frequency weighting
            (time weighting = impulse 35ms, A-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(A))
 - LEQ,F  = Equiv. contin. sound level with fast time weighting and without frequency weighting (also called Z frequency weighting)
            (time weighting = fast 125ms, no frequency weighting, results in dB)
 - LEQ,S  = Equiv. contin. sound level with slow time weighting and without frequency weighting (also called Z frequency weighting)
            (time weighting = slow 1000ms, no frequency weighting, results in dB)
 - LEQ,I  = Equiv. contin. sound level with impulse time weighting and without frequency weighting (also called Z frequency weighting)
            (time weighting = impulse 35ms, no frequency weighting, results in dB)
 - LCEQ,F = Equiv. contin. sound level with fast time weighting and C frequency weighting
            (time weighting = fast 125ms, C-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(C))
 - LCEQ,S = Equiv. contin. sound level with slow time weighting and C frequency weighting
            (time weighting = slow 1000ms, C-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(C))
 - LCEQ,I = Equiv. contin. sound level with impulse time weighting and C frequency weighting
            (time weighting = impulse 35ms, C-weighting frequency weighting, results in dB(C))

Essentially, it is able to perform 2 types of analysis:

  • Period evaluation: continuous evaluation of short time periods (125ms if time weight = fast, 1000ms if time weight = slow, 35ms if time weight = impulse). This type of evaluation is commonly used to build applications as classifier of specific events/sounds. E.g. if our purpose is to detect fast impulse sounds as gun shots or explosions, we may use an LAEQ,I type period evaluation, and when the sound level is above a certain threshold, it's possible to trigger immediate actions right after the detection.

  • Interval evaluation: continuous evaluation of prolonged time intervals, specified by the user. This type of evaluation is suited for applications where the period of time in analysis is bigger than the time constants fast, slow or impulse. An example of application is where we analyze an interval of 8 working hours with a LAEQ,F type sound meter, and if the equivalent continuous sound level is bigger than the threshold specified by the legislation regarding the maximum sound level in a working environment (usually 85dB(A)), we know that it's time to consider the use of personal sound protective equipment. The interval evaluation result represents the Root Mean Square value of the acustic pressure for that interval, and is not the sum of the results of the single period evaluations which the interval is composed of.

If frequency type A-weighting or C-weighting is selected, the sound levels are adjusted according to the values of a specific table with adjustment factors. This table groups the adjustment factors into bandwidths of octaves or fractions of octaves. The soundEval utility allows the choice between groups of 1 octave or groups of 1/3 octaves.

1/3 octave weighting table:

Frequency [Hz] A-weighting (dB) C-weighting (dB)
6.3 -85.4 -21.3
8 -77.8 -17.7
10 -70.4 -14,3
12.5 -63,4 -11.2
16 -56.7 -8.5
20 -50.5 -6.2
25 -44.7 -4.4
31.5 -39.4 -3.0
40 -34.6 -2.0
50 -30.2 -1.3
63 -26.2 -0,8
80 -22.5 -0.5
100 -19.1 -0.3
125 -16.1 -0.2
160 -13.4 -0.1
200 -10.9 0.0
250 -8.6 0.0
315 -6.6 0.0
400 -4.8 0.0
500 -3.2 0.0
630 -1.9 0.0
800 -0.8 0.0
1000 0.0 0.0
1250 0.6 0.0
1600 1.0 -0.1
2000 1.2 -0.2
2500 1.3 -0.3
3150 1.2 -0.5
4000 1.0 -0.8
5000 0.5 -1.3
6300 -0.1 -2.0
8000 -1.1 -3.0
10000 -2.5 -4.4
12500 -4.3 -6.2
16000 -6.6 -8.5
20000 -9.3 -11.2

1 octave weighting table:

Frequency [Hz] A-weighting (dB) C-weighting (dB)
8 -77.8 -17.7
16 -56.7 -8.5
31.5 -39.4 -3.0
63 -26.2 -0,8
125 -16.1 -0.2
250 -8.6 0.0
500 -3.2 0.0
1000 0.0 0.0
2000 1.2 -0.2
4000 1.0 -0.8
8000 -1.1 -3.0
16000 -6.6 -8.5

Explaining all the different classes of sound level meters is out of the scope of this documentation, but following are some general rules, with hope that it will be helpful to the user for the right choice.

Time weighting:

  • Fast: is usually used to replicate the natural response of human ear (125ms)
  • Slow: is good at "ignoring" short, fast sounds like car doors slamming or balloons popping. his makes slow weighting a good choice for environmental noise studies, especially for studies that span many hours or even days.
  • Impulse: is usually used in situations where there are sharp impulsive noises to be measured, such as fireworks or gun shots.

Frequency weighting:

  • A: the data are frequency weighted according to the A-WEIGHTING function, which main purpose is to replicate the human ear response at different frequency bandwidths.
  • C: flat response with the extreme high (near 20kHz) and low (near 0 Hz) frequencies attenuated.
  • Z: no frequency adjustments are made in base to the frequency bandwidths.

The soundEval utility functionalities can be accessed under /sys/class/exosensepi/sound_eval/:

File R/W Value Description
enabled R/W 0 Utility disabled, audio card available for other applications
enabled R/W 1 Utility enabled, audio card used by soundEval
weight_time R/W F FAST time weighting selected
weight_time R/W S SLOW time weighting selected
weight_time R/W I IMPULSE time weighting selected
weight_freq R/W A A-weight frequency weighting selected
weight_freq R/W Z Z-weight frequency weighting selected
weight_freq R/W C C-weight frequency weighting selected
weight_freq_bands R/W 1 1 octave frequency weighting table selected
weight_freq_bands R/W 3 1/3 octave frequency weighting table selected
interval_sec R/W val val is the custom interval of evaluation in seconds. If set to 0, the interval evaluation is not running and the leq_interval file with interval evaluation result is not updated
leq_period R ts val ts represents an internal timestamp of the received data, it shall be used only to discern newly available data from the previous one. ts is in Unix time epoch format in milliseconds. val is the result of the period evaluation, in millidecibels according to the set time (fast, slow or impulse), frequency weighting (dB, dB(A) or dB(C)) and frequency weighting table (1 octave or 1/3 octave). If the first evaluation is not yet complete or the utility has never been enabled, val has value -1 and ts has value 0.
leq_interval R ts val ts represents an internal timestamp of the received data, it shall be used only to discern newly available data from the previous one. ts is in Unix time epoch format in milliseconds. val is the result of the interval evaluation, in millidecibels according to the set time (fast, slow or impulse), frequency weighting (dB, dB(A) or dB(C)) and frequency weighting table (1 octave or 1/3 octave). If the first evaluation is not yet complete or the utility has never been enabled, val has value -1 and ts has value 0.
leq_period_bands R ts val_1 val_2 .. val_n ts represents an internal timestamp of the received data, it shall be used only to discern newly available data from the previous one. ts is in Unix time epoch format in milliseconds. val_1 val_2 .. val_n are the equivalent sound levels of each frequency bandwidth detected during the period evaluation, in millidecibels according to the set time (fast, slow or impulse), frequency weighting (dB, dB(A) or dB(C)) and frequency weighting table (1 octave or 1/3 octave). If the first evaluation is not yet complete or the utility has never been enabled, val_1 val_2 .. val_n have value -1 and ts has value 0.