Awesome Free / Open Source Alternatives (to common SaaS products) for Business Use
- Abdou741Grand Genève
- adamekkic
- AisykInterventions Numériques
- asapelkin
- ashishghadoje18
- box-as
- captdav
- d3athwarriorMumbai, IN
- daBOBOxenfurt
- danielp96Guatemala
- dariusmk7San Francisco
- davidbasilefilhoItu, Brazil
- davidkunCEVA
- harish5p
- hendrikboeckUniversity Heidelberg, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim, Institute of Pathology
- iamaviator
- JCBuck
- JDDev0Dorneger Electronic Systems e.U.
- kopelliStoughton, WI
- lukasmrtvyPrague
- nashaddams
- nsbgn
- OfficialMuffinUK Gaming Computers Ltd
- Opfour
- r0bbie@Buildstash
- ramirodEverywhere
- SandeepSAulakhAvneet Webs
- sfermigierAbilian
- silentninjaCenter of Complex Interventions
- sredbull
- sumitsaurabh927@aviator-co
- tarneauxParis, France
- themsayLondon
- Unrepentant-AtheistDumpster Diving Ltd.
- veqrynValidity / Return Path Inc.
- websterbontilao@jtransit